Definitive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Definitive
As adjective : अंतिम Ex:  He gave a definitive solution to the problem. उ:   अंतिम परिणाम हम सबके लिए बेहद संतोष जनक रहा ।
अंत्ययोनि Ex:  There is not a definitive set of strategies अक्र Ex:  Though lumbar puncture is more definitive of diagnosis अक्षणिक Ex:  Some consider the books' version of events to be definitive अचौकी Ex:  It is a definitive characteristic of the order. अड़िग Ex:  Biting the fingers and lips is a definitive feature of Lesch-Nyhan syndrome अनपायनी Ex:  The definitive landing appears to have been gentle. अनवरार्ध्य Ex:  A few of the more definitive ones are Robert Proctor अमोर Ex:  The definitive biography अविलास Ex:  A more definitive diagnosis can be obtained using corneal topography आंत Ex:  There is no definitive explanation of The KLF's name उ:   एक बार यह कुत्ते की आंत पका रहे थे। इकताना Ex:  The oldest definitive insect fossil is the Devonian Rhyniognatha hirsti इस्थिर Ex:  The theme system reached its definitive form in this period. गैरमनकूला Ex:  Neither of these lead to a definitive diagnosis टगमग Ex:  Since science holds experimental demonstration to be definitive निभृत Ex:  The map itself remained the definitive map of the area for over a century पदांत्य Ex:  Connery's incarnation remains as the definitive cinema James Bond परमनेंट Ex:  His definitive posthumous name पार्यतिक Ex:  Clear examples of this are the nature of death and its definitive character प्रतिनियत Ex:  The definitive values in euro of these subdivisions are shown at right. प्रतिविशिष्ट Ex:  The definitive armament configuration बरकरार Ex:  It also means Who does not vary, which is determined in a definitive way वरुल Ex:  , Flushing a case a dispute Set this business dispute in a definitive way वर्तिष्णु वापसीं विकसित उ:   दुनिया विज्ञान से ही विकसित हुई हैं। विजड़ित विनिष्कंप श्रेष्ठतम समवृत्ति सर्वोत्तम उ:   गणित को इनकी सर्वोत्तम देन है वैश्लेषिक ज्यामिति। साररुप स्तिमित स्थायुक स्थास्नु स्थिर उ:   स्थिर दर्पण में ही मुंह देखा जा सकता है। स्थिरगंध
Other : सुदृढ़ उ:   इस दुर्ग में तीन सुदृढ़ चोटियाँ हैं।
Definitive ki paribhasha : vah jo kisi baat ka nishchay ya nirnay karata ho jyotish men grahon ka sphutasaadhan jisase yah jaana jaata hai ki janm ke samay athava kisi aur vishisht kaal men kaun sa grah kis raashi ke kitane ansha, kitani kala aur kitani vikala men tha nity ya shaashvat bhaavana athava koi bhi tikaaou vastu, dradh sthiti ya dasha jyotish men vrash sinha, vrashchik aur kunbh ye chaar raashiyaaan, jo sthir maani gai hain
Definitive synonyms
precise unambiguous actual categorical clear-cut reliable definite specific ultimate exhaustive decisive conclusive absolute complete determining downright ending express final flat out last perfect plain real terminal closing concluding completing finishing limiting nailed down settling straight out terminating
Definitive antonyms
ambiguous inexact questionable vague indefinite uncertain incomplete inconclusive interim temporary unreliable false imprecise
Usage of Definitive in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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