Deflation meaning in hindi
As noun : अपस्फीत Ex:  There was deflation noticed in the bus tyre.
अपस्फीति उ: इस प्रकार अपस्फीति नकद की बचत करता है। हवा निकालना
Other : अवस्फीति
ExamplesDeflation synonyms
undoing humiliation downfall setback blow decline comeuppance descent wreck ruin anticlimax demotion crash collapse dive failure discomfiture reverse flop disappointment defeat pratfall cropper shrinkage reduction decrease condensation reducing compression abridgment evaporation confinement lessening abbreviation narrowing omission curtailment withdrawal diminution shrinking constriction confining omitting receding condensing elision tightening dwindling abbreviating abridging curtailing cutting down decreasing deflating diminishing drawing together evaporating lopping shrivelling tensing withdrawing slump accounting allowance loss of value drop sag dislocation crisis bankruptcy bust downturn panic stagnation inflation inactivity slide slowness unemployment stagflation overproduction retrenchment paralysis bear market bad times big trouble bottom out hard times rainy days shakeout bottom-out devaluation write-down Deflation antonyms
building success accomplishment achievement improvement increase attainment win boon creation good fortune elevation triumph ascent rise boost promotion enlargement expansion amplification dilation extension opening lengthening spread stretch calm cheerfulness encouragement happiness hope surge bulge protuberance hopefulness recovery convexity inflation advance Usage of Deflation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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