Deformed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deformed
As adjective : बिकृत Ex:  deformed Face
बिरगिंध Ex:  It means, in terms of surgery, any transaction in which you practice the section of a bone in a healthy part to straighten a deformed member विकृत Ex:  This building is deformed उ:   प्रत्येक लेख में विकृत अमरीकी शोध-दृष्टि की गम्भीर समीक्षा दी गई है। विरुपित Ex:  , to prevent it is worn or deformed by the game and the pressure of the bar सावीकृत
Other : एकांग Ex:  He has a deformed leg by birth. कुब्ज Ex:  The structure was deformed badly after the earthquake. कुब्बा Ex:  Such deformed cells are cleared rapidly from the blood कुबड़ा Ex:  Delirque's method, however, deformed the bullet and was inaccurate. विरुप Ex:  Turning his shoes, The deformed walking, éculer the
Deformed ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ka vikaar aa gaya ho
Deformed synonyms
damaged awry misshapen twisted gnarled crippled bowed disjointed bent crooked knotted maimed cramped curved askew grotesque irregular malformed ugly contorted mangled warped scarred buckled blemished marred humpbacked hunchbacked ill-made misproportioned out of shape
Deformed antonyms
ok beautiful graceful shapely symmetrical straight untwisted free beautified improved
Usage of Deformed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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