Degrade meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Degrade
As noun : खराब करना Ex:  It also said the action of physical agents that undermine and degrade foot of a wall
तोड़फोड़ बिदूखना, बिदूषना
As verb : अथवनापु Ex:  The voltage square waveform will degrade अनादर करना Ex:  One such yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is known to degrade palm oil mill effluent अपक्षीणन करना Ex:  If degrade in his own eyes अपक्षीणन Ex:  If LOWER also means if the moral sense debase, degrade खिरना Ex:  Rotting in vice, in his junk, persevere in his vicious habits, it sink more in addition, degrade गर्व पर प्रहार करना Ex:  The nuances by which degrade the light and shade are insensitive झँफान Ex:  The stones are split, degrade when they are crumbled झराँ Ex:  Violating a grave, La degrade or are in search of the culprits intentions नठनापु नष्ट होना निम्नीकृत करना पदावनत करना परिभ्रष्ट करना फीटना बिनशना भिहिलाना ‡ मूठना विणठना विणसना विद्रुति सँहरना संलयन उ:   उन्होंने भारतीय और पाश्चात्य संगीत के संलयन में भी बड़ी भूमिका निभाई।
Degrade ki paribhasha : ooanche sthaan se niche sthaan men laana
Degrade synonyms
debase lessen reduce impair downgrade discredit cheapen demean vitiate degenerate corrupt diminish disgrace weaken deteriorate pervert bump debauch slam demote abase injure dishonor bust bench depose decry deprave pan derogate canker break sink detract belittle lower humble disparage put down rule out run down take down tear down disbar bemean cast down cut down to size declass mudsling shoot down take down a peg
Degrade antonyms
honor praise upgrade enhance improve purify enlarge increase grow aid assist exalt mend compliment laud build up admire extend strengthen expand help develop flatter promote fix rise approve elevate
Usage of Degrade in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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