Degrading meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Degrading
As verb : अपमानजनक Ex:  The most degrading one was the requirement of distinctive clothing
As adjective : अधोगती कारक Ex:  Prisoners have to face a degrading treatment. खाँगो Ex:  STOOL also said Headquarters which were exposed in a public place who had been sentenced to a degrading punishment छेहडा Ex:  The degrading habits न्यून उ:   मर्दों की संख्या दिनोंदिन न्यून होती जाती है। माननाशक ह्रसिष्ठा
Other : ओछा Ex:  A degrading action तिरस्कारपूर्ण
Degrading synonyms
derogatory humiliating disgraceful lowering demeaning cheapening downgrading
Usage of Degrading in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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