Deification meaning in hindi
As noun : अर्चनोय Ex: The king was a deification for the people of his kingdom.
अर्ह्य Ex: Shotter suggests that Augustus' deification आहार्य Ex: '' As the deification of the wife of the pharaoh उपासनोय Ex: The deification of Augustus देवतुल्य बनाने का कार्य Ex: The deification of the forces of nature देवत् देवत्व प्राप्ति देवत्वारोपण पुण्यकीर्ति पूज ‡ पूजनीय उ: जो राजा के बाद सबसे पूजनीय स्थान रखते थे। पूजाह बंदारु श्रद्धास्पद
Deification ki paribhasha : jisaki pooja karana kartavy ya uchit ho
ExamplesDeification synonyms
idolization immortalization ennoblement raise loftiness nobility magnification boost preference exaltation grandeur eminence aggrandizement preferment sublimity nobleness exaltedness lionization prelation upgrading dignity confidence trust glory faith attention credit reputation esteem praise distinction tribute prestige fame recognition celebration wreath rank adulation renown laurel obeisance adoration veneration homage greatness deference repute notice fealty consideration account popularity laud approbation canonization high standing admiration piety loyalty respect awe devotion devoutness love religiousness genuflection approval fear bow prostration obsequiousness high esteem translation ritual prayer rite idolatry service invocation offering regard chapel vespers supplication benediction laudation church service beatification breathless adoration exaggerated respect Deification antonyms
decrease demotion disdain unimportance depression lowness spurning lowliness distrust doubt disbelief disregard ignorance disclaimer dishonor ill repute disobedience disrespect scorn heedlessness debasement degradation denunciation derision disgrace humiliation blemish stigma censure condemnation reproach blame criticism neglect hate dislike hatred vilification Usage of Deification in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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