Deity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deity
As noun : अग्निंमुख Ex:  Sun was the deity in old civilizations.
अग्निजिह्व Ex:  Estonia retained a pagan religion centered around a deity called Tharapita. अतिमानवी Ex:  Today Quetzalcoatl is arguably the best known Aztec deity अदितिसुत Ex:  He dedicates the best of his livestock to his patron deity Freyr अनलमुख Ex:  In the Shang dynasty the Big Dipper was considered a deity अमतांधस् Ex:  Though the historian does not mention the name of deity explicitly अमृतबंधु Ex:  Akhenaten presented Aten as a variant of the familiar supreme deity Amun-Ra अमृतभुक् Ex:  Within Shaivism he is viewed as the supreme deity अमृताशो Ex:  His role as the primary deity of Shaivism is reflected in his epithets अम्रत्या Ex:  How the persona of Shiva converged as a composite deity is not well-documented. अशनपति Ex:  Sectarian forces each presented their own preferred deity as supreme. ईशी Ex:  Some names are used by more than one deity उस्त्रिय Ex:  El refers to the chief Semitic deity एकपाटला Ex:  Enki was a deity in Sumerian mythology क्रतुभुज Ex:  Amun was the name of a deity गगनगति Ex:  Egypt conquered Kush, they identified the chief deity of the Kushites as Amun. गगनविहारी Ex:  This deity was depicted as Ram headed गाड Ex:  Amun also became thought of as a fertility deity गिरवाणी Ex:  The English pronunciation used for this deity गीरवाण, गीरवान Ex:  An amiable deity त्रिदश Ex:  Any priest of Roman antiquity attached to special service of a deity त्रिदिवौका Ex:  It is also the name of a deity of ancient pagans, who represented under the figure of a woman with wings and holding a wreath in one hand, a palm of the other त्रैविष्टपेय Ex:  It is usual that in speaking of the pagan cults, and it means a Woman attached to the service of a deity थानपति Ex:  pagan deity female दक्षसुत Ex:  Who belongs to Isis, Egyptian deity दनुजाद्बिट Ex:  The deity of the place देवकन्या देवता उ:   नये देवता और नये दर्शन उभरे। देवताति देवभू देवयु देववधू देवी उ:   देवी - देवताओं की प्रतिमा और शिव मंदिर है। दैवत्त द्युनिवासी द्युषद द्योषद नभःसद नाकचर नाकसद् निलिप नीरपति पादविरजा पीयूषभुक् बरहीमुख भुवनौका भूतकृत मलक मुचिर यज्ञाशन यज्ञिय लेखानुजीवी वपुन वह्नि वह्निमुख विमानगति विश्वविधायी विश्वाधाया वृंदारका व्योमसद् सलिलधर सुमनस सोमयोनि स्वधाभुक् स्वधाभोजी स्वर्गसद स्वर्गौका स्वाहाग्रसण हव्ययोनि
Other : अमर Ex:  The most popular deity is Murugan उ:   बाद में, अमर ने उसी महिला को सिलचर में स्पॉट किया। आदित्य Ex:  Harihara is a the name of a combined deity form of both Vishnu and Shiva . उ:   यह आदित्य पंचोली की पहली सफल फिल्म मानी जाती है। देवता देव देवता या ईश्वर विबुध
Deity ki paribhasha : yogashaastr ke anusaar klesha, karma, vipaak aur aashay se prathak purushavishesh daanav sa bhimakaay vyakti lakadi ka ek majaboot chaukhataa, jisamen do khade khnbhon ke oopar aad balla laga rahata hai svarg men rahanevaala amar praani
Usage of Deity in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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