Deletion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deletion
As noun : अपमार्जन Ex:  No deletion should be allowed in that file .
मिटा हुआ Ex:  Several points after a word indicates suspension, deletion of a passage gap, etc विलोप Ex:  Staying in intentional deletion हटा दिया जाना
Other : उच्छेद Ex:  It is also connected to the deletion of the 16p chromosome. काट Ex:  The deletion of the spyware-infected file "inetadpt. उ:   ये साधरणतया २० फुट लंबे और २३ इंच १९ काट के अर्ध अंडाकार होते हैं। बहिष्कार Ex:  By extension, high decommissioned City, Fort downgraded City strong, stronger than the deletion of the List fortresses maintain उ:   पिताजी को विदेशी वस्तुओं के बहिष्कार के आंदोलन के चलते सजा हुई। विलोपन Ex:  , truncated Citation, Citation in which the deletion of certain phrases or words of some obscure meaning of the whole passage
Deletion ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko lekar bhaag jaane ki kriya kaatana ya chhinn karana
Deletion synonyms
cut remotion expunction removal cancellation expunging crossing out
Usage of Deletion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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