Delicate meaning in hindi
As noun : अरअ Ex:  This delicate sweater must be handwashed
कमज़ोर Ex:  It is described as delicate yet complex उ: एक अर्थ में, यह परमाणु उद्योग की कमज़ोर कड़ी है। पनुवाँ Ex:  Constitution, delicate complexion फीकरिया Ex:  delicate Ear फीका Ex:  delicate line that indicates the general shape and the first rudiments of a being, an object लिहाज रखनेवाला Ex:  In a delicate way विजिह्म Ex:  It also means Who is demanding, delicate
As adjective : अकठोर Ex:  She was wearing delicate armlets on her wrists. अणुतर Ex:  a delicate violin passage अणुतर Ex:  a delicate violin passage अतिनिपुण Ex:  Rose is a delicate flower.
Silk is a delicate fabric.
The babys skin is very delicate .
The child has a delicate constitution.
A new born baby has a delicate skin. अतिप्रवीण Ex:  the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn अदीर्घ Ex:  The delicate piquancy of the pani puri water couldnt stop me from praising its maker. अनुत्कट Ex:  The dogs have a very delicate sense of smell. अप्रखर Ex:  The delicate carvings on the temple wall are very impressive. अल्हादपूर्ण Ex:  Jan was quiet and delicate as a child उत्कृष्ट Ex:  The casting of the plate is a delicate art उ: लालकिले का प्रासाद, शाहजहानी शैली का उत्कृष्ट नमूना प्रस्तुत करता है। उपवर्ण Ex:  Pianos are heavy yet delicate instruments. कलरव Ex:  Harvesting cacao beans is a delicate process. उ: मूर्गा बांग देते हैं और पछियों का कलरव गूंजता है। कुशलतापूर्ण Ex:  The battle had been a slaughter, for want of a more delicate word". कोँवरि कोँवरी Ex:  Their beaks are surrounded by delicate vibrissa or "whiskers" कोँवल Ex:  This and other insults left a mark on Schumann's delicate psyche. कोँवलि Ex:  As the fluid satellite case is more delicate than the rigid one कोमल Ex:  They are often compared with similarly delicate works by Giotto उ: इसके पेड़ कोमल होते हैं और पाले से मर जाते हैं। ख़तरनाक Ex:  Its delicate skull was narrow and long, with a tapered snout. उ: इस दौरान ख़तरनाक क़ैदी के रूप में उनके साथ व्यवहार किया जाता था। छपटी Ex:  A delicate and reserved friend झुनकार Ex:  A delicate point दहृ Ex:  A delicate situation, critical, disturbing, desperate नरंम Ex:  A pure game delicate नाज़ुक Ex:  Besogne delicate निरुदर Ex:  Both genders Who's menu, light, slender, delicate पतला Ex:  Calf Walnut is a delicate Music उ: इसका शरीर लंबा और पतला होता है। पतीला ‡ Ex:  Complacency delicate परुषेतर Ex:  Contours delicate पातरी Ex:  Conversation delicate प्रगुण्य Ex:  delicate प्राग्राट Ex:  delicate constitution बरीक Ex:  delicate Orgasm बरीक Ex:  delicate Orgasm बारीक Ex:  delicate Table, frugal उ: यहां बारीक महीन वस्त्र का उत्पादन होता है। भावाव Ex:  delicate Traits मिरजा Ex:  End piece and delicate मुश्किल Ex:  Feeling delicate मृदु Ex:  Fish of the family Sparoïdes, very common in the Mediterranean, passing into neighboring lakes to the sea, it fattens and becomes a very delicate taste उ: मृदु का अर्थ होता है कोमल। मृदुल Ex:  For him to accept this gift, he did it in a very delicate way मृद्वी Ex:  Having to some delicate attentions मेही ‡ Ex:  He also said figuratively speaking of what is felt, thought, done or expressed a delicate मोलिया ‡ Ex:  He recommended us his Children, and particularly the eldest, who is in delicate health रकीक Ex:  His conduct was very delicate रुचिकर Ex:  Horse delicate mouth लज्जतदार Ex:  I was touched by this attention delicate वस्य Ex:  In terms of Rôtisseur, Feet says Thrush, quail, Ortolan and other small birds with a delicate taste व्यवहार कुशल Ex:  It also means Who is thick, coarse, or whether then opposes End, hairline, delicate श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्णक Ex:  It has very delicate feelings संकटपूर्ण Ex:  It is engaged in a delicate business संवदेनशील Ex:  It is not difficult, delicate point, it accommodates everything संवेदनशील Ex:  It is sometimes said, figuratively, the Difference delicate and almost imperceptible, which is between two things of the same kind उ: यह एक बहुत ही समय संवेदनशील प्रक्रिया है। सत्कला Ex:  It is too delicate about to honor सालुल Ex:  It takes a very delicate table सुक्षम Ex:  It was him, he has for him care the most delicate सुखभेद्य Ex:  Judgment delicate सुखास्वाद Ex:  Kind melting pear and a delicate taste सुस्पर्श Ex:  Low Chest, delicate सूकछम Ex:  Main delicate and chubby सूकशम Ex:  Make disgusted means, literally and figuratively, Making the difficult, delicate सूक्ष्म Ex:  Make the delicate उ: इस अवस्था मे इसका आकार सूक्ष्म दानों जैसा होता है। सूखम Ex:  Meat delicate स्पर्शवान् Ex:  purify the taste Make it safer and more delicate स्वादिष्ट Ex:  Running delicate उ: सफेद बीन्स डालकर आप कई तरह के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बना सकते हैं। स्वीट Ex:  Sea bass fish is said of several of whom, the Bar, is estimated for its delicate flesh हृदयग्राही Ex:  Small hammer which is used for delicate works हृदयप्रिय Ex:  Stomach delicate बढिया
Silk is a delicate fabric.
The babys skin is very delicate .
The child has a delicate constitution.
A new born baby has a delicate skin. अतिप्रवीण Ex:  the trees cast a delicate web of shadows over the lawn अदीर्घ Ex:  The delicate piquancy of the pani puri water couldnt stop me from praising its maker. अनुत्कट Ex:  The dogs have a very delicate sense of smell. अप्रखर Ex:  The delicate carvings on the temple wall are very impressive. अल्हादपूर्ण Ex:  Jan was quiet and delicate as a child उत्कृष्ट Ex:  The casting of the plate is a delicate art उ: लालकिले का प्रासाद, शाहजहानी शैली का उत्कृष्ट नमूना प्रस्तुत करता है। उपवर्ण Ex:  Pianos are heavy yet delicate instruments. कलरव Ex:  Harvesting cacao beans is a delicate process. उ: मूर्गा बांग देते हैं और पछियों का कलरव गूंजता है। कुशलतापूर्ण Ex:  The battle had been a slaughter, for want of a more delicate word". कोँवरि कोँवरी Ex:  Their beaks are surrounded by delicate vibrissa or "whiskers" कोँवल Ex:  This and other insults left a mark on Schumann's delicate psyche. कोँवलि Ex:  As the fluid satellite case is more delicate than the rigid one कोमल Ex:  They are often compared with similarly delicate works by Giotto उ: इसके पेड़ कोमल होते हैं और पाले से मर जाते हैं। ख़तरनाक Ex:  Its delicate skull was narrow and long, with a tapered snout. उ: इस दौरान ख़तरनाक क़ैदी के रूप में उनके साथ व्यवहार किया जाता था। छपटी Ex:  A delicate and reserved friend झुनकार Ex:  A delicate point दहृ Ex:  A delicate situation, critical, disturbing, desperate नरंम Ex:  A pure game delicate नाज़ुक Ex:  Besogne delicate निरुदर Ex:  Both genders Who's menu, light, slender, delicate पतला Ex:  Calf Walnut is a delicate Music उ: इसका शरीर लंबा और पतला होता है। पतीला ‡ Ex:  Complacency delicate परुषेतर Ex:  Contours delicate पातरी Ex:  Conversation delicate प्रगुण्य Ex:  delicate प्राग्राट Ex:  delicate constitution बरीक Ex:  delicate Orgasm बरीक Ex:  delicate Orgasm बारीक Ex:  delicate Table, frugal उ: यहां बारीक महीन वस्त्र का उत्पादन होता है। भावाव Ex:  delicate Traits मिरजा Ex:  End piece and delicate मुश्किल Ex:  Feeling delicate मृदु Ex:  Fish of the family Sparoïdes, very common in the Mediterranean, passing into neighboring lakes to the sea, it fattens and becomes a very delicate taste उ: मृदु का अर्थ होता है कोमल। मृदुल Ex:  For him to accept this gift, he did it in a very delicate way मृद्वी Ex:  Having to some delicate attentions मेही ‡ Ex:  He also said figuratively speaking of what is felt, thought, done or expressed a delicate मोलिया ‡ Ex:  He recommended us his Children, and particularly the eldest, who is in delicate health रकीक Ex:  His conduct was very delicate रुचिकर Ex:  Horse delicate mouth लज्जतदार Ex:  I was touched by this attention delicate वस्य Ex:  In terms of Rôtisseur, Feet says Thrush, quail, Ortolan and other small birds with a delicate taste व्यवहार कुशल Ex:  It also means Who is thick, coarse, or whether then opposes End, hairline, delicate श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  It also said the articles made by the goldsmith, A precious, delicate silverware श्लक्ष्णक Ex:  It has very delicate feelings संकटपूर्ण Ex:  It is engaged in a delicate business संवदेनशील Ex:  It is not difficult, delicate point, it accommodates everything संवेदनशील Ex:  It is sometimes said, figuratively, the Difference delicate and almost imperceptible, which is between two things of the same kind उ: यह एक बहुत ही समय संवेदनशील प्रक्रिया है। सत्कला Ex:  It is too delicate about to honor सालुल Ex:  It takes a very delicate table सुक्षम Ex:  It was him, he has for him care the most delicate सुखभेद्य Ex:  Judgment delicate सुखास्वाद Ex:  Kind melting pear and a delicate taste सुस्पर्श Ex:  Low Chest, delicate सूकछम Ex:  Main delicate and chubby सूकशम Ex:  Make disgusted means, literally and figuratively, Making the difficult, delicate सूक्ष्म Ex:  Make the delicate उ: इस अवस्था मे इसका आकार सूक्ष्म दानों जैसा होता है। सूखम Ex:  Meat delicate स्पर्शवान् Ex:  purify the taste Make it safer and more delicate स्वादिष्ट Ex:  Running delicate उ: सफेद बीन्स डालकर आप कई तरह के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बना सकते हैं। स्वीट Ex:  Sea bass fish is said of several of whom, the Bar, is estimated for its delicate flesh हृदयग्राही Ex:  Small hammer which is used for delicate works हृदयप्रिय Ex:  Stomach delicate बढिया
Other : क्षीण Ex:  Her songs began with more delicate melodies that used softer instrumentations उ: आयुर्वेद का नियम है…उदर वायु से आयु क्षीण हो जाती है। गुलाबी Ex:  , should that person was still in a box, it is so delicate that the slightest air of the impressions bother उ: डिम्बग्रंथियों का रंग गुलाबी होता है। झीना Ex:  A delicate fabric तन्वंगी Ex:  A delicate praise नरम Ex:  Attic Salt is said of everything that bears the character of this delicate and fine joke that distinguished the Athenians उ: गर्म होने पर, वे नरम हो जाते हैं और अंततः पिघल जाते हैं। नाज़ुक Ex:  Attic Salt, spiritual and delicate Way of thinking and expression that characterized the Athenians and their writers उ: एक नाज़ुक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के बावजूद यहाँ पक्षी जीवन की बहुतायत है। नाजुक Ex:  be a strong and robust constitution, of a weak and delicate temperament सुकुमार Ex:  It tastes course, fine, delicate सुबुक Ex:  little bird, with a delicate taste, common in the south of France and in the Mediterranean regions
Delicate ki paribhasha : vah vratt jisake chaaron charanon men baraabar baraabar akshar na hon, balki kam aur jyaada akshar hon jisaki motaayi ma ghera bahut hi kam ho ek kaavyaalnkaar jisamen chittavratti ko sookshm cheshta se lakshit karaane ka varnan hota hai 3301 niras jo sunane men karkash ya apriy na ho jisaka gheraa, lapet athava chaudai kam ho jo motaayi ya ghere men itana kam ho ki chhoone se haath men kuchh maaloom na ho sngit men svar ka ek bhed
ExamplesDelicate synonyms
rare gentle fragile mild elegant delightful delicious graceful tender subtle soft exquisite aerial balmy breakable choice delectable ethereal faint filmy fine flimsy frail gauzy nice pale pastel select slight subdued superior finespun frangible fine-grained fracturable gossamery hairline muted recherchã© shatterable shattery slender ailing debilitated decrepit feeble infirm susceptible unhealthy sensitive refined critical alert fastidious finicky particular persnickety prudish pure scrupulous squeamish thin-skinned finical finicking tricky unpredictable touchy precarious volatile ticklish uncertain hair-trigger precise detailed deft accurate adept cautious considerate diplomatic discreet expert heedful masterly minute politic proficient prudent skilled tactical wary foresighted Delicate antonyms
horrible unpleasant callous healthy indelicate inelegant robust healthful uncritical unscrupulous ordinary crude rough violent harsh loud strong firm tough ugly hard coarse heavy imprecise insensitive uncareful indiscriminating stable easy calm Usage of Delicate in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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