Delighted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Delighted
As noun : अखिन्न Ex:  Her delighted smile made him forget all his sorrows.
अखेद Ex:  He was delighted on finding the mocha. अभिनंद Ex:  I am delighted on my selection in Indian cricket team. आत्तमना Ex:  You delighted me by agreeing to join us . आह्लादी Ex:  I will be delighted to treat you to dinner . उत्पुलक Ex:  I was delighted to have them with me in this great work. उद्धर Ex:  The Japanese themselves knew it and delighted in it. उपारत Ex:  I was on Hitler's side, delighted by his success and saddened by his defeats". उल्लाघ Ex:  Gable was delighted to be working again with McDaniel. कंतु Ex:  Asimov was delighted with Robby खुर्शद Ex:  He was absolutely delighted with his new queen. खुशनूद Ex:  The audiences were delighted खुसी Ex:  Wilson himself was delighted with the adaptation डहडहा Ex:  � Thank Heaven! That's fine! I am delighted for your sake . थाँटा Ex:  Be delighted to नमस Ex:  His speech delighted all present निर्वृत Ex:  I am delighted that he has won the case प्रसंन Ex:  I am delighted to see you so healthy प्रसन्न Ex:  I am delighted to tell him the good news उ:   अतएव आप प्रसन्न होकर इनकी अभिलाषा पूर्ण कीजिये। प्रसादस्थ Ex:  I hear that you have made a happy marriage, I ' am delighted प्रह्ल Ex:  If this can be done, I will be delighted प्रह्लन्न Ex:  I'm delighted to see you फरहर ‡ Ex:  Judge whether I was delighted to see फल्लित Ex:  This music has delighted all those who heard महजूज Ex:  This preacher, this lawyer has delighted while his audience मुदित Ex:  We would be delighted to have you for a few days मुलकित Ex:  You're wearing Well, I am delighted मोदित वरप्रद विकुर्वाणा विनोदित विवद्धिंत शंयु शादमान शिगुफ्ता शिवगति श्रंथित संप्रीत संप्रीतिमत् सभाजित समोद सम्मदी सरभस सुखपर सुखभाक्, सुखभाग् सुखभुक् सुखारीपु सुममस्क सोच्छ्वास सोत्सव हर्षगर्भ हर्षभाक् हर्षान्वित हर्षाविष्ट हृष्टसंकल्प हेर्षी ह्लन्न
As verb : आनन्दित Ex:  She was delighted with the gift .
Other : आनंदित Ex:  I was delighted by your proposal . आमोदित Ex:  We were delighted to see you . उत्फुल्ल Ex:  James's tone delighted Elizabeth नंदित Ex:  Everyone is delighted with his manners निहाल Ex:  I am delighted to have made such a good choice उ:   माँ अपने खोये हुए बालक को पा कर निहाल हो जाती है। मग्न Ex:  This piece has delighted spectators रंजित लहलहा लहालह शाद हरा उ:   क्यान हरा एवं नीला के बीच एक रंग होता है। हरित उ:   इस हरित रक्त को सीधे पी जाएं। हर्षित हृष्ट
Delighted synonyms
elated overjoyed ecstatic charmed pleased enchanted excited jubilant gratified fulfilled joyous thrilled captivated entranced gladdened pleasantly surprised
Delighted antonyms
sorrowful bored disappointed melancholy pained depressed sad unhappy dismayed miserable troubled
Usage of Delighted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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