Delirium meaning in hindi
As noun : उन्मत्तता Ex:  erotic delirium
उन्माद Ex:  Excitement abnormal memory that occurs most often in the delirium and the hypnotic state उ: उसके बाद जीत के उन्माद में पठानों ने मथुरा में प्रवेश किया। चितविभ्रम Ex:  Having delirium, delirium be चित्त विपर्यस्तता Ex:  He has in his delirium moments of lucidity चित्तविप्लव Ex:  It took several people to master this sick in his delirium चित्तविभ्रम Ex:  Sort of Medicine delirium characterized by genital concerns जनूँ Ex:  The delirium of love, joy, pain प्रामाद्य Ex:  The delirium of passion प्रैष Ex:  The orgiastic delirium बलकौँहाँ Ex:  This child delirium विक्षिप्तता उ: विक्षिप्तता का प्रमाणभार अभियुक्त पर है। वित्तभ्रान्ति सन्निपात संनिपात
Other : चित्तभ्रम Ex:  It also means raising, transporting, throw in a sort of delirium बाई Ex:  Who shows characters delirium उ: शान्ता बाई से उन्हें समाज-सेवा की बड़ी उम्मीद थी। बेसुधी Ex:  The delirium of the mind, imagination बेहोशी वातोन्माद
Delirium ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ka sannipaat jisamen sntaapa, moha, vikalataa, hansanaa, gaanaa, naachanaa, dhatoora khaaye jaisi avastha aadi upadrav hote hain vah rog jisamen man aur buddhi ka kaaryakram bigad jaata hai kapha, vaat aur pitt tinon ka ek saath bigadna
ExamplesDelirium synonyms
hallucination fever dementia hysteria aberration fury ardor derangement rage insanity ecstasy mania passion fervor enthusiasm zeal frenzy raving lunacy furor transport Delirium antonyms
soundness calm happiness coldness coolness indifference calmness dislike apathy lethargy saneness peace balance Usage of Delirium in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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