Delivery meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Delivery
As noun : अपासन Ex:  The delivery of the ball was very fast.
अभिदान Ex:  Payment of the money is conditional upon delivery of goods. उत्प्रास Ex:  postal delivery उदसन Ex:  The delivery van came with the parcels. उद्धूनन Ex:  Sonu went for her delivery to the hospital yesterday.
The delivery of the baby proved very difficult for her.
उलछारना् Ex:  Of course the delivery date is certain . गर्भच्युति Ex:  BBC Education tested delivery of radio-on-demand programmes to primary schools गर्भमोक्ष Ex:  Package delivery services like FedEx, DHL and others are also available. घलाहल Ex:  Gestational diabetes typically resolves with delivery of the child छनकान Ex:  There are variety of delivery methods for hormonal contraception. जनन Ex:  Explaining the reasons behind the album's delivery and pricing scheme उ:   कभी कभी समयुग्मक जनन भी होता है। जनिता Ex:  Public sector healthcare delivery consists of primary जिम्मावारी Ex:  China started to develop its own nuclear weapons and delivery systems झीँकना Ex:  N-8099 JAN MAYEN but delivery time varies, especially during the winter. डिलिवरी Ex:  During the final months before delivery of the first airplane परिदान Ex:  Although the delivery seemed to go well initially पहुँचाने वाला Ex:  Drug delivery systems प्रदत्त Ex:  Complex drug delivery mechanisms are being developed उ:   इन रोगों की यह एक प्रकृति प्रदत्त रोकथाम है। प्रसव Ex:  At least four of these obstacles are as follows: 1. Gene delivery tools. उ:   प्रसव के समय सबसे पहले बच्चे का सिर बहर आता है। प्रसूति Ex:  The public education system is free at the point of delivery उ:   मनु ने प्रसूति को दक्ष के हाथ में सौंप दिया। प्रोत्सारित Ex:  2007 for December and March delivery had risen above $9.00 a bushel फिकना Ex:  Tactical weapons have involved the most variety of delivery types फेंकना Ex:  To delivery these high speed broadband services to all Australians. भाषण शैली Ex:  Car delivery or simply Shed, Car-free number, renting by the day, month, year भाषा शैली Ex:  delivery मोकना Ex:  The AAF took delivery in September, 1943, at Eglin Field. रालना Ex:  Happy delivery वाग्व्यापार Ex:  In terms of postal administration, he said of the delivery of letters to recipients at certain hours of the day वितरण Ex:  It also says, especially in the plural, of the Terms, delivery initiatives उ:   इनके विषयों का वितरण केन्द्र के पक्ष में है। विनिक्षेप Ex:  It took he received delivery of three pieces of cloth विश्राणित Ex:  Kill partridge delivery व्युदास Ex:  Medicine The first milk of women after delivery षु, षू Ex:  On your order, I made such a delivery of funds that you had entrusted me सन्यासन Ex:  Order given to a manufacturer, a worker, an artist to do a book, or a merchant to do a certain delivery समारोपित Ex:  Part of Medicine Medicine on delivery सुत्या Ex:  Sending against refund, Business transaction that involves sending an object that the recipient has to pay on delivery सुपुर्दगी Ex:  The delivery of the judgment , sentence, judgment, decision of the court pronounced at the hearing स्पर्शित Ex:  The delivery of the securities and parts trial
Other : दाति Ex:  The most recent delivery was on 11 August 2005 to Shenzhen Airlines. बोलने का ढंग Ex:  After the last delivery भुगतान Ex:  delivery silver उ:   यह बचत , कर भुगतान , और आयात के रूप में होता है। सुपुर्द Ex:  The delivery of a pledge, a pledge, a bond
Delivery ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar doosare ka sthaapit karana kntha, taalu, oshtha, jihva aadi ke prayatn dvaara manushyon ka vyakt aur vibhakt dhvani nikalana tntr ke anusaar mntron ke das snskaaron men se pahala snskaar jisamen mntron ka maatrika varnon se uddhaar kiya jaata hai vishnu ka ek naam daksh prajaapati ki stri ka naam jinase sati ka janm hua tha
Delivery synonyms
transmission distribution consignment shipment drop commitment dispatch conveyance rendition post surrender carting portage mailing freighting giving over handing over impartment intrusting parcel post enunciation diction modulation inflection accent pronunciation emphasis speech intonation utterance elocution bearing travail accouchement childbearing lying-in confinement birthing labor parturition caesarian section bringing forth geniture release freeing rescue pardon salvation liberation deliverance escape emancipation salvage
Delivery antonyms
hold quiet secrecy capture confinement keeping retention imprisonment restraint silence unimportance
Usage of Delivery in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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