Delta meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Delta
As noun : एक यूनानी अक्षर Ex:  the Mississippi River delta
ग्रीक वर्णमाला का चौथा अक्षर Ex:  Sunderban is the biggest delta of the world.
Nile delta is famous in the World.
डेल्टा Ex:  The Sundarbans delta is the largest mangrove forest in the world. उ:   यह डेल्टा धीरे-धीरे सागर की ओर बढ़ रहा है। त्रिकोण धरती जो पानी से घिरी हो Ex:  The Nile ends in a large delta that empties into the Mediterranean Sea. देवयानी Ex:  Kaverippattinam on the coast near the Kaveri delta was a major port town. उ:   देवयानी को समर्पित एक मंदिर झील के पास स्थित है। नदी से बना एक तिकोना उपजा क्षेत्र Ex:  Across the Rhine Neuss was built on the delta of the Erft river. नदीमुख―भूमि Ex:  Tigre and the many islands of the Río de la Plata delta
Delta ki paribhasha : shukraachaary ki jo raaja yayaati ko byaahi thi
Delta synonyms
silt lees drift deposition dregs precipitate precipitation sediment grounds settlings alluvium basin fjord estuary sound canal entrance creek gulf harbor strait cove bay bayou ingress bight slough passage slew channel narrows loch firth box door cavity rim gate orifice funnel clam kisser yap gob crevice mush portal trap beak aperture jaws chops lips gills embouchement fly trap alluvial plain coastal plain delta plain floodplain tidal plain
Delta antonyms
debit withdrawal
Usage of Delta in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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