Delve meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Delve
As verb : खूब छानबीन करना Ex:  Action to smash, to deeply delve land
गहन शोध करना Ex:  Agriculture Stir, delve deeply land, by mixing fertilizer फावडे से खोदना फावड़े से खोदना
Delve synonyms
inquire burrow prospect rummage search shovel unearth explore investigate research probe examine dredge ransack sift seek excavate spade ferret out go into look into trowel gouge out jump into leave no stone unturned really get into scoop out turn inside out
Delve antonyms
ignore find fill neglect
Usage of Delve in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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