Dementia meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dementia
As noun : उन्मत्तत्ता Ex:  A meeting, a people in dementia
एक प्रकार का उन्माद Ex:  Act crazy, dementia जनूँ Ex:  Fall in dementia पागलपन Ex:  He fell into dementia प्रामाद्य Ex:  In ordinary language, especially PSYCHOSE means a disorder of intellectual functions not properly dementia but rather the obsession प्रैष Ex:  Madness medicine that is not complete as dementia and manifested by intermittent access to बोखलाहट बौड़मपन मनोभ्रंश उ:   मनोभ्रंश के लक्षण बीमारी के कारण उत्पन्न होते है। सिड़पन, सिड़पना
Dementia ki paribhasha : vah bhishan maanasik rog jisase manushy ki buddhi aur ichchhaashakti aadi men anek prakaar ke vikaar hote hain
Dementia synonyms
unbalance derangement madness insanity mental disorder mental decay mental deterioration personality change softening of the brain alzheimer's disease
Usage of Dementia in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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