Demonstrated meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Demonstrated
As noun : प्रमाणित Ex:  After Edmund Halley demonstrated that the comets of 1531 उ:   सारांश, नोट्स व प्रमाणित प्रतियाँ प्राप्त करना।
युक्तिमान् Ex:  Tesla demonstrated his 200 hp 16,000 rpm bladeless turbine.
Other : निरूपित Ex:  As demonstrated in 1998 उ:   प्रत्येक मंजिल आत्मज्ञान के एक स्तर को निरूपित करती है।
Demonstrated synonyms
exhibit prove expose try indicate determine test validate manifest establish evince authenticate flaunt evidence make out show and tell trot out testify to make evident roll out teach express describe confirm debunk proclaim give for instance make clear ostend set forth show how walk one through protest march parade picket fast strike rally action for a cause exhibit lie in march on sit in stage walkout
Demonstrated antonyms
conceal hide disprove distort falsify misrepresent cover confuse lose
Usage of Demonstrated in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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