Denouement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Denouement
As noun : अंतिम परिणाम Ex:  This was during the denouement of the American Revolutionary War
अनिष्ट प्रकाशन Ex:  In the trilogy's climax and denouement उर्दक Ex:  The action of this drama does not work, walk slowly, it does not advance, or not moving fast enough towards the denouement खातिमा Ex:  The denouement of the plot डपट Ex:  The node, the denouement of a comedy तीरित Ex:  The second stage of this comedy announces the denouement तै निर्वहण पर्यवशेष प्रत्यस्तमय प्रपतन विनिवृत्ति विश्रमण व्यपाय व्युदास व्य़ुपरम संपाद संपुर्णता समापत्ति समाप्ति या निन्दा समाप्ति उ:   रामनवमी के दिन ही चैत्र नवरात्र की समाप्ति भी हो जाती है।
Other : निगति निन्दा उ:   अग्नियाँ आपकी निन्दा न करें, अतः इसे विद्या का उपदेश कर दीजिए ।
Denouement ki paribhasha : naatak men katha ki samaapti upasnhrati dnd dene ya anisht karane ka vichaar jo bhay dikhaane ke liye prakat kiya jaay kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona
Denouement synonyms
culmination climax finale completion close resolution conclusion windup final curtain last act
Denouement antonyms
commencement beginning opening start
Usage of Denouement in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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