Denunciation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Denunciation
As noun : अभिध्यान Ex:  The composer's response to his denunciation was the Fifth Symphony of 1937
अववाद Ex:  Lady Macbeth, which precipitated the denunciation अस्त्यान Ex:  Signing a denunciation आर्ति Ex:  The denunciation of theft made by the usufructuary owner कुचरचा कुजस झुँझई टिन्नाफिस्स टुचकारा थुक्का दोषारोपण धिक्पारुष्य नामधराई निंदा उ:   मैं ऐसी घटनाओं की निंदा करता हूँ। निंद्या निन्दा उ:   "आज इस संधि की निन्दा करी जा रही है। लोही ‡ वकीअत विरुक्षण व्यधिक्षेप व्यपकर्ष व्यवक्रोशन शालीनीकरण सामि हिजा हृणिया, हृणीया
Denunciation ki paribhasha : dnd dene ya anisht karane ka vichaar jo bhay dikhaane ke liye prakat kiya jaay kisi vyakti ya vastu ka doshakathan
Denunciation synonyms
denouncement censure accusation invective reprimand indictment obloquy knock derogation castigation reprehension reprobation blame charge rap arraignment fulmination incrimination vilification damning stigmatization cursing dressing down smearing upbraidment
Denunciation antonyms
compliment praise exculpation flattery commendation exoneration appreciation approval
Usage of Denunciation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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