Depraved meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Depraved
As noun : आनचारी Ex:  Apollo would not suffer such a depraved pair of ears any longer
परिहृत भठ भरभष्ट भिन्नवृत्ति भिष्टल ‡ भ्रंश, भ्रंस भ्रष्ट उ:   स खलु निज-महिम्नो भ्रष्ट एवास्य रोषात्। संस्पृष्टमैथुना
Other : आचारहीन Ex:  My brother is depraved by bad company. औगुनी Ex:  Griswold depicted Poe as a depraved कुढंग Ex:  Having good taste, fine taste, good taste, taste bad, depraved taste, taste worn कुढंगी Ex:  He depraved young man कुबुद्धि Ex:  Reading the bad authors depraved him a taste चंडाल Ex:  This is a terrible man, says not only an extremely ugly man, but figuratively a depraved Strong man capable of the darkest actions vilest चौपट Ex:  Youth depraved च्युत पतित उ:   लेकिन ऐसा भी है, कि एक पतित फरिश्ता एक विद्वेशपूर्ण शैतान बन जाता है। पाजी बद
Depraved ki paribhasha : jo achchhi dasha men ya kaam ka na rah gaya ho
Depraved synonyms
wanton vile sinful vicious nefarious lewd shameless wicked debauched debased degenerate abandoned low twisted fast dirty perverted mean degraded vitiate bad dissolute evil filthy kinky lascivious licentious miscreant profligate putrid rotten unhealthy unnatural villainous warped vitiated dirty-minded flagitous gone to the dogs
Depraved antonyms
moral righteous kind virtuous honest healthy honorable clean decent gentle nice good pure upright noble just uncorrupt
Usage of Depraved in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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