Depressed meaning in hindi
As noun : अन्यमन Ex:  These news depressed her
आमणदूमण Ex:  The rising inflation depressed the economy उदास Ex:  He had been depressed for months . उ: अब राजा उदास रहते थे। दूमणा Ex:  Armstrong himself was depressed and annoyed that the mission had been cut short पजमुर्दा Ex:  Springsteen was in a depressed state when he wrote this material परिम्लायी Ex:  down and depressed Land विमुद Ex:  I saw strong depressed at first, but it is now fully back on his beast विलक्खा Ex:  It is very depressed since this misfortune happened to him
As verb : अवसाद ग्रस्त Ex:  She is depressed after her third miscarriage recently.
As adjective : घटाया हुआ Ex:  What's with Tom? He looks depressed .
Other : अवनत Ex:  The lack of rain had depressed the water level in the reservoir खिन्न Ex:  She lingered on and was depressed for a while . दबाया हुआ Ex:  Kids are depressed about the future". दलित Ex:  Deeply depressed by these sights उ: दलित शब्द का शाब्दिक अर्थ है- दलन किया हुआ। निम्न Ex:  An eccentric and depressed woman उ: बालक का नाम रखते समय निम्न बातों का ध्यान रखें। सुस्त Ex:  Skull bones were heavily depressed
Depressed ki paribhasha : sngit men pncham svar ka snket jo daba rakha gaya ho jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho
ExamplesDepressed synonyms
pessimistic morose despondent unhappy blue destroyed dispirited dejected low weeping bad crestfallen crummy disconsolate down in the mouth downcast downhearted fed up glum grim let down low-spirited lugubrious melancholy moody sob story spiritless woebegone ripped bleeding hurting dragged bummed out cast-down down and out down in the dumps in a blue funk in pain in the pits in the toilet low-down on a downer taken down torn up sunken hollow set back recessed indented poor poverty-stricken weakened distressed needy destitute ghost impaired deprived run-down shanty skid row underprivileged devalued depreciated cheapened ghetto Depressed antonyms
cheerful glad fortunate lucky joyous encouraged satisfied bulging convex flourishing optimistic happy gay decent heartened above comforted unburdened pushed up raised blessed prosperous rich wealthy affluent strong Usage of Depressed in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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