Depression meaning in hindi
As noun : अनवसादन Ex: she has suffered from depression since she was sixteen
अवसाद Ex: After several months of deep depression उ: अवसाद शैलों का निर्माण तीन प्रकार से होता है। आहरो Ex: Cho was diagnosed with depression as well as selective mutism उदासी Ex: Gauss plunged into a depression from which he never fully recovered. उ: उदासी और उल्लास का जन्मदिन एक साथ मन जाता है। ओंडा Ex: Complications may include depression कटीर Ex: Though she was still beset by bouts of depression कुराय Ex: The depression led to the election of the first Labour government खौं० Ex: Despite the harsh realities of the depression that ran from late 1873 into 1879 गड्ढा Ex: He passed through a period of deep depression उ: यह बिना मशीनों के खोदा गया विश्व का पहला या दूसरा सबसे गहरा गड्ढा है। गिरफ्तगी Ex: It was downgraded to a tropical depression near Clarksville चितभंग Ex: The depression tracked to the east-northeast through Mississippi चुआन Ex: The depression is about a third the thickness of the ice sheet. चौडा़ Ex: The depression continues in a shallower form west दबाव Ex: Addiction can be caused by various factors such as depression or indigestion. उ: फिर पुर्तगाल पर दबाव डालना शुरू किया। परिखेद Ex: The depression lasted from 1990 to 1993 बेदिली Ex: He slumped into an alcoholic depression मनहूसी Ex: Clinical depression can present with a variety of symptoms विमनिमा Ex: Postpartum depression refers to the intense शुभर Ex: Postpartum depression श्वभ्र Ex: The most studied form of psychotherapy for depression is cognitive therapy . सधेला Ex: A number of other psychotherapies for depression exist.
Other : अवनत Ex: The country is headed for an economic depression . अवनमन Ex: The contraceptive sponge has a depression to hold it in place over the cervix. अवपात Ex: The Narmada runs in the depression between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges खिन्न्ता Ex: Dostoevsky sank into a deep depression खेद Ex: The depression was further aggravated when on September 27 उ: परंतु खेद है कि "पच्च मलयालम्" आंदोलन समय से पहले ही समाप्त हो गया। गढा़ Ex: Cantor suffered from chronic depression for the rest of his life गढ्ढा Ex: The depression restrengthened over the Gulf Stream गिराज Ex: On June 8, the depression drifted to the south, then to the southwest. ग्लानि Ex: While the subtropical depression moved eastward मंदा Ex: As another agricultural depression lowered cotton prices into the 1890s मंदी Ex: Some candidate causes for this include depression उ: इससे आर्थिक मंदी से उबरने में ब्रिटेन को मदद मिली। मनोभंग Ex: Before a diagnosis of depression is made मन्दी Ex: Fibromyalgia Syndrome sufferers also experience depression and anxiety. सस्ती Ex: Like other forms of treatment for depression उ: जस्ता सबसे सस्ती धातु पड़ती है। सुस्ती Ex: It has also been shown to be effective in non-seasonal depression as well.
Depression ki paribhasha : sinh ki maaand ya gupha kramashaः niche ki or pravrati ek prakaar ka snchaari bhaav man ki ek vratti jisamen apane kisi ki buraayi ya dosh aadi ko dekhakar anutsaaha, aruchi khinnata utpann hoti hai lakadi aadi ka bad poola ya gatta kaanoon men kaaran ki sadishata jisaki vajah se mukadama gir jaay
ExamplesUsage of Depression in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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