Deprive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deprive
As verb : वंचित करना Ex:  Breaking the pay, deprive someone his job and the salary attached to it
व‌ंचित करना Ex:  Breaking the pay, deprive someone his job and the salary that attached to it
Other : छीन लेना Ex:  In order to deprive the Boyars of their high positions ले लेना Ex:  Action to deprive or state of one who is deprived से वंचित करना Ex:  deprive someone, for reasons of discontent, features, power, removable employment he had been given हटा लेना Ex:  We want to deprive me of my bread
Deprive synonyms
bereave bankrupt rob dispossess strip divest oust expropriate seize wrest dismantle denude despoil dock bare lose skim disrobe disinherit hold back stiff
Deprive antonyms
clothe construct bestow endow supply cover keep give build appropriate confer indulge offer present
Usage of Deprive in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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