Depth meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Depth
As noun : अगाधित्व Ex:  such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin
अतलता Ex:  the depth of the water अनवगाहिता Ex:  The depth of the water of sea cant be imagined by man.
He had sunk to the depths of addiction
गहनता Ex:  The dive depth cannot be increased easily. उ:   शोध ज्ञान के विविध पक्षों में गहनता और सूक्ष्मता लाता है। गहराई Ex:  Despite its great depth उ:   गहराई में पहुँचने पर तथ्य कुछ और मिलता है। गहरापन Ex:  I had no idea of the depth of her thoughts and feelings. गहीराई Ex:  The Black Sea has an area of , and a maximum depth of . मँहैं Ex:  In 2004 the penetrated depth was increased on each of three expeditions. मद्ध Ex:  This effect is inversely proportional to depth . मध्य Ex:  Florida; just 7,000 m offshore, the depth plunges to over 180 m . उ:   कांगो गणराज्य मध्य अफ्रीका में स्थित एक देश है। माँयँ Ex:  When one moves one's attention from a depth plane to another मिधि Ex:  All reptilians have advanced visual depth perception compared to other animals.
Other : गंभीरता Ex:  The trompe loeil-illusion establishes depth उ:   बोल्ट ने अब तक एथलेटिक्स या अपने आपको गंभीरता से नहीं लिया था। गम्भीरता Ex:  You can find anaerobic creatures in the depth of the sea. गहरा स्थान Ex:  Certain artists are represented in remarkable depth गहराई का नाप Ex:  It has been mapped to a depth of 489 m गहराव Ex:  The depth of the hole is determined by the length of her hind legs. गह्वर Ex:  The average depth of the Arctic Ocean is 1,038 meters . गांभीर्य Ex:  The average depth of the oceans is 3,794 m ग‌ंभीरता Ex:  The current moves at a depth of some 50 to 100 m . घई Ex:  The average depth of the ocean is 3,890 metres . थाह Ex:  Honiara, at Lat -8.453 Long 156.957 and at a depth of 10 kilometres . निचाई Ex:  Valles Marineris , has a length of 4000 km and a depth of up to 7 km. नीचा Ex:  Although it is submerged with a least depth of पहुंच Ex:  The maximum depth is 459 m , on the Swedish side of the center. उ:   बर्फबारी के शौकीन इन दिनों यहां पहुंच सकते हैं। बीच Ex:  Consequently, the surface area and the depth of the sea are diminishing. उ:   किले के बीचों बीच अजय पलका तालाव नामक झील है। बुध्दि Ex:  The deepest average depth was 12.5 meters on the Ulúa River near Chinda
Depth ki paribhasha : kisi paridhi, sima ya maryaada ka kendr athava us kendr ke aas paas ka koi sthaan jahaaan se chaaron or ki sima praayaः samaan antar par ho sngit men ek saptak jisake svaron ka uchchaaran vakshasthal se knth ke andar ke sthaanon se kiya jaata hai
Usage of Depth in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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