Deranged meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deranged
As adjective : उन्मत्तक Ex:  PIQUE also colloquially said of someone who has the brain somewhat deranged
ऊमंती Ex:  The past participle INSANE, EE, is used as a noun to describe and absolutely Those deranged खीपट निर्दट, निर्दड पागल बौड़हा मतिभ्रष्ट मदकल सिड़बिला, सिड़बिल्ला सोन्मद, सोन्माद हरिप्रिय हावलाबावला
Other : खपत उ:   जल की वास्तविक खपत के लिए लवासा सिंचाई विभाग को भुगतान करता है। खपती भ्रान्त
Deranged ki paribhasha : yog men chitt ki vrattiyon ya avasthaaon men se ek jisamen chitt praayaः asthir rahata hai, par bich bich men kuchh sthir bhi ho jaata hai
Deranged synonyms
maniacal irrational distracted unhinged demented crazed unbalanced displaced perplexed disordered unsettled nuts disconcerted ape cracked baked berserk delirious dotty frantic frenzied lunatic mad unsound bananas loco maddened unscrewed flipped disarranged fried unzipped flipped out schizzo unglued whacko
Deranged antonyms
rational sensible stable sane ok reasonable sound balanced calm
Usage of Deranged in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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