Derivative meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Derivative
As noun : अमौलिक Ex:  `electricity is a derivative of `electric
दूसरी वस्तु से लिया हुआ Ex:  22 Long Rifle or derivative in a . प्रसूत Ex:  Coumestrol, an isoflavone coumarin derivative is the only coumestan in foods. उ:   उद्दालक सुजाता द्वारा प्रसूत शिशु का नाम अष्टावक्र रखते हैं। मूल धातु से उत्पन्न शब्द Ex:  A derivative of this free-flow style of travel were hippie trucks and buses यौगिक पद Ex:  Boeing in 2000 offered the market a 747 derivative as an alternative. व्युत्पतिलब्ध Ex:  In a derivative form of knucklebones व्युत्पत्तिक Ex:  Erin is a Hiberno-English derivative of Éirinn व्युत्पन्न शब्द Ex:  ROT47 is a derivative of ROT13 which व्युत्पन्न Ex:  A word derived, or, elliptically A derivative उ:   इसे जल का मोनो एल्किल व्युत्पन्न माना जाता है। संजात Ex:  Grammar It says a derivative word that expresses the repetition frequency of the act indicated by the simple word उ:   संजात बाजार का महत्व काफी पुराना है।
As adjective : व्युत्पादित Ex:  Generic name to derivative Corps nitric acid
Other : व्युत्पत्ति Ex:  Considering the definition of the derivative of logax as the limit: Once again उ:   साथ ही इसमें व्युत्पत्ति देने की भी चेष्टा की गई।
Derivative ki paribhasha : baarah prakaar ke putron men se ek jisaka kisi vigyaan ya shaastr men achchha pravesh ho ek rog ka naam jisamen rogi ke haath aur pair se pasina chhoota karata hai any rachana aadhaar par ya anuvaad ke roop men rachit
Derivative synonyms
subordinate cognate secondary acquired ancestral hereditary imitative inferential secondhand unoriginal connate inferred uninventive copied caused coming from evolved not original obtained plagiaristic plagiarized procured rehashed by-product outgrowth offshoot spin-off wave
Derivative antonyms
inventive important superior original unique unborrowed root source invention
Usage of Derivative in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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