Desire meaning in hindi
As noun : अंच्छाया Ex:  A cherished desire
अंछया Ex:  Extraordinary authority
An extraordinary desire for approval अनभिसंधान Ex:  Ravi bought a book for Sonu.
Yash has a strong desire for a remote-control car. अनुतर्ष Ex:  We must desire for freedom. अपेखा Ex:  He was crazed by the desire for drugs. अपेखा Ex:  He was crazed by the desire for drugs. अभिकांक्षा Ex:  It was a petty desire for revenge. अभिकांक्षा Ex:  It was a petty desire for revenge. अभिध्या Ex:  My parents consented with my desire to marry the man of my choice. अभिध्या Ex:  My parents consented with my desire to marry the man of my choice. अभिध्यान Ex:  Indeed, imperial centralization ran counter to their desire for local autonomy. अभिध्यान Ex:  Indeed, imperial centralization ran counter to their desire for local autonomy. अभिलाषना Ex:  2650–2600 BC. He said: "Do not lessen the time of following desire अभिलाषा करना Ex:  Motivated by a desire to halt looting अभिलाषा Ex:  Hence, few Egyptians would desire to repeat the experiment of a female monarch. उ: अभिलाषा गहरी होती है, तब अपमान भी गहरा होता है। अभिष्ट वस्तु Ex:  Ostensibly based on Henry VIII's desire for an annulment अभिस्नेह Ex:  One gender might desire changes that affect the other अभ्याकांक्षित Ex:  Amour de soi represents the instinctive human desire for self-preservation आझा Ex:  Conversely it could be interpreted as a sign of a desire to please. आमंजु Ex:  Parsifal tells of his desire to return to Amfortas He relates his journey इंच्छया Ex:  Belarus has not expressed a desire to join NATO इंछा Ex:  French statesman Leon Gambetta expressed a desire to meet Rodin इंदिया Ex:  The desire for secession has also been strong in Sint Maarten. इक्ष Ex:  Davis expressed her desire to play Scarlett इच्छा करना Ex:  Moldova has constantly affirmed its desire to join the European Union इच्छा Ex:  When Alexander II came to the throne in 1855, desire for reform was widespread. उ: यह शब्द इच्छा का पर्याय है। इच्छित Ex:  ” In its desire to paper over the complexities and contradictions of real life उ: यह एजेंट के इच्छित उद्देश्य पर निर्भेर करता है। इश्तियाक Ex:  "I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man". इश्तियाक Ex:  "I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man". इश्तिहा Ex:  They who desire me to be dumb on the subject of slavery इषणि Ex:  Rachmaninoff confided in Zverev his desire to compose more इष्टु Ex:  And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. इष्टु Ex:  And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. ईच्छा Ex:  In addition, there was a desire to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. ईछी Ex:  We can't desire for change without being aware of this . उत्क Ex:  A desire repressed into the unconscious can continue to disturb the soul; in terms of Metaphysics, to refer to a principle which would work in the world with all the appearance of intelligence, but without knowledge of what he is उपजोष Ex:  ALTHOUGH we do has no desire उशाना Ex:  An intense desire उशाना Ex:  An intense desire एषण Ex:  Burning desire एषण Ex:  Burning desire एष्टि Ex:  Do not desire the good of others, the woman others औत्कंठय Ex:  Feeling regret for a fault with the desire to repair or fall no more औत्क्य Ex:  For exaggeration, it is dying love, fear, impatience, desire to sleep, etc काम वासना Ex:  Having a confession, a secret on the edge of the lips, with a great desire to make a confession, revealing a secret कामना करना Ex:  Having the mind back said of a man who, being away from his country, retains the desire to return खतिर Ex:  I am jealous to prove you desire I have to serve you ख्वास्त Ex:  I have great desire to drink, eat ख्वास्त Ex:  I have great desire to drink, eat गविष्ठि Ex:  I went to her and the desire thee गृध्या Ex:  I would like to say rather than I want to modestly express the desire to get something चहिनपु Ex:  In wanting to someone, to something also means, colloquially, Having any claim on that person, on that thing, having some desire चाह Ex:  is told in the form of desire उ: चाय, चाह और दारू- ये तीनों ही हानिकारक है। चिकीर्षित Ex:  It also means Love-own frivolous desire to appear and be rent, complacency himself छो Ex:  It also said the Lyrics acts that indicate a desire to oblige, to please तमन्ना Ex:  It burns with the desire to report उ: बचपन से ही सेना में भर्ती होकर सैनिक वर्दी पहनने की तमन्ना रही। तिरसना Ex:  It is clear as day that it was his desire तिरिसना Ex:  It is said in the same direction, by desire God keep you from evil; God forbid, and absolutely: God bless you; God wants you to keep well तिश्नाह Ex:  It is sometimes said of a need that we have the desire to meet or Disposition something तिसना Ex:  It passionately wanted to have this country home, he finally passed his desire तिस्टा Ex:  It was some desire to undertake this trip, but his friends dissuaded तृश्ना Ex:  Laugh inwardly feel a desire to laugh without leaving anything appearing तृष्णा Ex:  Love, extreme desire उ: तृष्णा का अशेष प्रहाण कर देना निरोध आर्यसत्य है। निकामन Ex:  Make envy, desire Exciter निकामन Ex:  Make envy, desire Exciter निरूपादान Ex:  of both genders who deserves to be desired, which excites the desire परिष्टि Ex:  SALVATION is also a desire of Formula exclamatory, civility, used specially in the preamble of laws and ordinances in the letters patent of kings, in the papal bulls, in the pastoral letters of archbishops and bishops, etc प्रेप्सा Ex:  SE MEET: means Satisfy the desire we have something फलाकांक्षा Ex:  soon, manner of speaking and familiar elliptical leaving one uses to express that a person intends or we the desire to see her again before long बंछा Ex:  The appetite comes with eating, the desire to get rich or to rise increases as you acquire wealth or honor to बंछा Ex:  The appetite comes with eating, the desire to get rich or to rise increases as you acquire wealth or honor to बाँछनापु Ex:  The desire of Slander, slander बाँछनापु Ex:  The desire of Slander, slander बांछना Ex:  The desire took him to go to Rome बांछना Ex:  The desire took him to go to Rome बांछा Ex:  The real question, the real reason for his action is the desire to be useful बांछा Ex:  The real question, the real reason for his action is the desire to be useful बांछित Ex:  This was particularly the desire to eat भावगति Ex:  This young man is full of good will, He is full of desire to do good मनःकाम Ex:  VENGEANCE also means the desire for revenge मनफल Ex:  Wanting good to someone, Having the desire to force मनोकामना Ex:  Who has great desire to learn, to see something new, interesting, rare, etc उ: गणेशजी ने उनकी मनोकामना पूर्ण की। मनोगवी Ex:  Wish, desire that something be fulfilled मनोगवी Ex:  Wish, desire that something be fulfilled मनोबांछित Ex:  , Be well tempted to do something, have a great desire in मनोभिलाष Ex:  , Do not have any other desire than to have fun, eat, etc मनोरथ Ex:  , For the sake of someone, only for him, for no other reason than the desire to please him उ: ;जेहि घर पिउ सो मनोरथ पूजा। मनोर्थ Ex:  , Getting desired, show little willingness to satisfy the desire that others see us, to bond with us, etc मनौरथ Ex:  , I would like it m ' in would have cost a pint of my blood, and that this had happened or that it was not done, they said to mark an extreme desire or extreme grief for something मुखशोष Ex:  Dieu likes; Please God; Would to God; God hear, Ways of speaking that are used to mark the desire that we have something to be मुराद Ex:  It is also said to simply express a desire Grand, extremely impatient to do something उ: यहाँ पर हर मुराद माँ देवी अवश्य पूरी करती हैं। मुहब्बत Ex:  It is said ordinarily ways of care, attentions for women inspired by the desire to please their रजी Ex:  Mouvement bringing to desire that which can satisfy the needs and instincts रालना Ex:  The innate desire wellness रुक् Ex:  Which has lots of vanity, desire to appear वशन वशन वासनात्मक इच्छा करना वासनात्मक कामना करना विचिकीर्षा विजृंभित विजृंभित शंस शंसित संकल्पज संकल्पन संचिंतित संप्रचोदित समोहा हसरत उ: हिन्दी सिनेमा में दो असफलताओं की बड़ी हसरत से चर्चा की जाती है। हिँछना ‡ हिंछना ‡ हिंछा ‡ हिच्छ हितकाम हीँछना हीँछा ‡ हीछना हृदयोद्गार
An extraordinary desire for approval अनभिसंधान Ex:  Ravi bought a book for Sonu.
Yash has a strong desire for a remote-control car. अनुतर्ष Ex:  We must desire for freedom. अपेखा Ex:  He was crazed by the desire for drugs. अपेखा Ex:  He was crazed by the desire for drugs. अभिकांक्षा Ex:  It was a petty desire for revenge. अभिकांक्षा Ex:  It was a petty desire for revenge. अभिध्या Ex:  My parents consented with my desire to marry the man of my choice. अभिध्या Ex:  My parents consented with my desire to marry the man of my choice. अभिध्यान Ex:  Indeed, imperial centralization ran counter to their desire for local autonomy. अभिध्यान Ex:  Indeed, imperial centralization ran counter to their desire for local autonomy. अभिलाषना Ex:  2650–2600 BC. He said: "Do not lessen the time of following desire अभिलाषा करना Ex:  Motivated by a desire to halt looting अभिलाषा Ex:  Hence, few Egyptians would desire to repeat the experiment of a female monarch. उ: अभिलाषा गहरी होती है, तब अपमान भी गहरा होता है। अभिष्ट वस्तु Ex:  Ostensibly based on Henry VIII's desire for an annulment अभिस्नेह Ex:  One gender might desire changes that affect the other अभ्याकांक्षित Ex:  Amour de soi represents the instinctive human desire for self-preservation आझा Ex:  Conversely it could be interpreted as a sign of a desire to please. आमंजु Ex:  Parsifal tells of his desire to return to Amfortas He relates his journey इंच्छया Ex:  Belarus has not expressed a desire to join NATO इंछा Ex:  French statesman Leon Gambetta expressed a desire to meet Rodin इंदिया Ex:  The desire for secession has also been strong in Sint Maarten. इक्ष Ex:  Davis expressed her desire to play Scarlett इच्छा करना Ex:  Moldova has constantly affirmed its desire to join the European Union इच्छा Ex:  When Alexander II came to the throne in 1855, desire for reform was widespread. उ: यह शब्द इच्छा का पर्याय है। इच्छित Ex:  ” In its desire to paper over the complexities and contradictions of real life उ: यह एजेंट के इच्छित उद्देश्य पर निर्भेर करता है। इश्तियाक Ex:  "I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man". इश्तियाक Ex:  "I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man". इश्तिहा Ex:  They who desire me to be dumb on the subject of slavery इषणि Ex:  Rachmaninoff confided in Zverev his desire to compose more इष्टु Ex:  And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. इष्टु Ex:  And if what we desire is purely accidental, we are not free. ईच्छा Ex:  In addition, there was a desire to convert the inhabitants to Christianity. ईछी Ex:  We can't desire for change without being aware of this . उत्क Ex:  A desire repressed into the unconscious can continue to disturb the soul; in terms of Metaphysics, to refer to a principle which would work in the world with all the appearance of intelligence, but without knowledge of what he is उपजोष Ex:  ALTHOUGH we do has no desire उशाना Ex:  An intense desire उशाना Ex:  An intense desire एषण Ex:  Burning desire एषण Ex:  Burning desire एष्टि Ex:  Do not desire the good of others, the woman others औत्कंठय Ex:  Feeling regret for a fault with the desire to repair or fall no more औत्क्य Ex:  For exaggeration, it is dying love, fear, impatience, desire to sleep, etc काम वासना Ex:  Having a confession, a secret on the edge of the lips, with a great desire to make a confession, revealing a secret कामना करना Ex:  Having the mind back said of a man who, being away from his country, retains the desire to return खतिर Ex:  I am jealous to prove you desire I have to serve you ख्वास्त Ex:  I have great desire to drink, eat ख्वास्त Ex:  I have great desire to drink, eat गविष्ठि Ex:  I went to her and the desire thee गृध्या Ex:  I would like to say rather than I want to modestly express the desire to get something चहिनपु Ex:  In wanting to someone, to something also means, colloquially, Having any claim on that person, on that thing, having some desire चाह Ex:  is told in the form of desire उ: चाय, चाह और दारू- ये तीनों ही हानिकारक है। चिकीर्षित Ex:  It also means Love-own frivolous desire to appear and be rent, complacency himself छो Ex:  It also said the Lyrics acts that indicate a desire to oblige, to please तमन्ना Ex:  It burns with the desire to report उ: बचपन से ही सेना में भर्ती होकर सैनिक वर्दी पहनने की तमन्ना रही। तिरसना Ex:  It is clear as day that it was his desire तिरिसना Ex:  It is said in the same direction, by desire God keep you from evil; God forbid, and absolutely: God bless you; God wants you to keep well तिश्नाह Ex:  It is sometimes said of a need that we have the desire to meet or Disposition something तिसना Ex:  It passionately wanted to have this country home, he finally passed his desire तिस्टा Ex:  It was some desire to undertake this trip, but his friends dissuaded तृश्ना Ex:  Laugh inwardly feel a desire to laugh without leaving anything appearing तृष्णा Ex:  Love, extreme desire उ: तृष्णा का अशेष प्रहाण कर देना निरोध आर्यसत्य है। निकामन Ex:  Make envy, desire Exciter निकामन Ex:  Make envy, desire Exciter निरूपादान Ex:  of both genders who deserves to be desired, which excites the desire परिष्टि Ex:  SALVATION is also a desire of Formula exclamatory, civility, used specially in the preamble of laws and ordinances in the letters patent of kings, in the papal bulls, in the pastoral letters of archbishops and bishops, etc प्रेप्सा Ex:  SE MEET: means Satisfy the desire we have something फलाकांक्षा Ex:  soon, manner of speaking and familiar elliptical leaving one uses to express that a person intends or we the desire to see her again before long बंछा Ex:  The appetite comes with eating, the desire to get rich or to rise increases as you acquire wealth or honor to बंछा Ex:  The appetite comes with eating, the desire to get rich or to rise increases as you acquire wealth or honor to बाँछनापु Ex:  The desire of Slander, slander बाँछनापु Ex:  The desire of Slander, slander बांछना Ex:  The desire took him to go to Rome बांछना Ex:  The desire took him to go to Rome बांछा Ex:  The real question, the real reason for his action is the desire to be useful बांछा Ex:  The real question, the real reason for his action is the desire to be useful बांछित Ex:  This was particularly the desire to eat भावगति Ex:  This young man is full of good will, He is full of desire to do good मनःकाम Ex:  VENGEANCE also means the desire for revenge मनफल Ex:  Wanting good to someone, Having the desire to force मनोकामना Ex:  Who has great desire to learn, to see something new, interesting, rare, etc उ: गणेशजी ने उनकी मनोकामना पूर्ण की। मनोगवी Ex:  Wish, desire that something be fulfilled मनोगवी Ex:  Wish, desire that something be fulfilled मनोबांछित Ex:  , Be well tempted to do something, have a great desire in मनोभिलाष Ex:  , Do not have any other desire than to have fun, eat, etc मनोरथ Ex:  , For the sake of someone, only for him, for no other reason than the desire to please him उ: ;जेहि घर पिउ सो मनोरथ पूजा। मनोर्थ Ex:  , Getting desired, show little willingness to satisfy the desire that others see us, to bond with us, etc मनौरथ Ex:  , I would like it m ' in would have cost a pint of my blood, and that this had happened or that it was not done, they said to mark an extreme desire or extreme grief for something मुखशोष Ex:  Dieu likes; Please God; Would to God; God hear, Ways of speaking that are used to mark the desire that we have something to be मुराद Ex:  It is also said to simply express a desire Grand, extremely impatient to do something उ: यहाँ पर हर मुराद माँ देवी अवश्य पूरी करती हैं। मुहब्बत Ex:  It is said ordinarily ways of care, attentions for women inspired by the desire to please their रजी Ex:  Mouvement bringing to desire that which can satisfy the needs and instincts रालना Ex:  The innate desire wellness रुक् Ex:  Which has lots of vanity, desire to appear वशन वशन वासनात्मक इच्छा करना वासनात्मक कामना करना विचिकीर्षा विजृंभित विजृंभित शंस शंसित संकल्पज संकल्पन संचिंतित संप्रचोदित समोहा हसरत उ: हिन्दी सिनेमा में दो असफलताओं की बड़ी हसरत से चर्चा की जाती है। हिँछना ‡ हिंछना ‡ हिंछा ‡ हिच्छ हितकाम हीँछना हीँछा ‡ हीछना हृदयोद्गार
As verb : अभिलाषना Ex:  2650–2600 BC. He said: "Do not lessen the time of following desire उशाना Ex:  An intense desire एषण Ex:  Burning desire एष्टि Ex:  Do not desire the good of others, the woman others चाहना Ex:  It also means feeling, taste, mood, desire रालना Ex:  The innate desire wellness वशन हिँछना ‡ हिंछना ‡ हीँछना हीछना
Other : अभिमत Ex:  If at any time the subject indicated his desire to halt the experiment उ: पतंजलि को कपिल द्वारा बताया गया सांख्यदर्शन ही अभिमत है। अभिलाष Ex:  The humanitarian desire to end these problems was one motivation for the plan. अभीप्सा Ex:  He associated sexual desire with the sin of Adam अभीष्ट Ex:  I confessed that I had a burning desire to be excellent उ: क़द्र की रात के दो अर्थ है और दोनों ही यहाँ अभीष्ट हैं। अरमान Ex:  Rousseau explains how the desire to have value in the eyes of others आंकाक्षा Ex:  This desire manifested itself in several of his Paris collaborations. आकांक्षा करना Ex:  Catholics generally desire a greater connection with the Republic of Ireland आकांक्षा Ex:  Most are fleeing systematic persecution and have no desire to return. उ: किसी वाक्य में आने वाले पदों को जानने की इच्छा आकांक्षा कहलाती है। आशंसा Ex:  Despite a desire to continue his journey, he settled in Geneva. आशा Ex:  His arguments revealed his desire to articulate Athens' needs and interests. उ: आशा जी एक सफल रेस्तरॉ संचालिका है। इच्छा की हुई वस्तु Ex:  Athena being driven, above all, by her desire for the city's destruction. इरादा Ex:  Nick Bostrom asserts that the desire to regain youth उ: लेकिन वो अपने इरादा को ढाई साल बाद अमली जामा पहना सका। इष्टि Ex:  Cervantes' continuing desire for Italy ईप्सा Ex:  The desire for equality, dignity and respect is not new . ईहा Ex:  A curious desire कांक्षा Ex:  Give ATTEMPT also means envy, inspire the desire, the desire to do something काम Ex:  Having the desire to learn उ: उन्होने अनुवाद साहित्य मे बहुत काम किया हे। कामना Ex:  He has a desire for glory that he can satisfy उ: तब वह ईश्वरमिलन की कामना कर सकती है। क्षुधा Ex:  He has a great desire to know ख़वाहिश Ex:  I lost the desire to go there चटका Ex:  I'm burning with desire I feel good to see you again चाहत Ex:  It also means Desire, desire उ: उनकी चाहत थी कि एस्परान्तो एक वैश्विक भाषा बने। चोंप Ex:  It also means the desire Encourage चोप Ex:  It also means, transitively, absorb If a desire in छुधा Ex:  It also refers to some nuances of desire sometimes weaker, sometimes stronger than the desire itself भूख Ex:  To persist strongly in his opinion, in its desire उ: मुझे लगभग एक महीने से भूख लगनी बंद हो गई थी। मन Ex:  To taste of a thing, in giving envy, desire and also the Exciter to उ: मन और मस्तिषक की शांति मिलती है। मनस्काम Ex:  What I desire most is the honor of serving you, is to be able to get some service मनोगत Ex:  Who tent, causing a desire, a desire मनोवांछा Ex:  , I want to convince you of my innocence, I ' have an extreme desire मर्जी Ex:  , That tells me nothing, I have no desire उ: लेकिन ये शादी उसे अपनी मर्जी से ही करनी होगी। माँग Ex:  , This dish, this wine has a taste of come back to it, It pleases both the taste it gives the desire to resume उ: उनके अनुसार रोजगार प्रभावी माँग पर निर्भर करता है। वांछन वांछा करना वांछा विवक्षा
Desire ki paribhasha : gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho prachin aachaaryon ke mat se ek alnkaar jisamen apane isht ki siddh doosare ke kaary dbaara dikhaayi jaay kisi poorv sthiti ke jame prabhaav se utpann maanasik dasha kisi padaarth ko praapt karane ki bahut adhik utkntha ya abhilaasha nyaay ke anusaar vaakyaarthagyaan ke chaar prakaar ke hetuon men se ek sir ke baalon ke bich ki vah rekha jo baalo ko do or vibhakt karake banaayi jaati hai praapti ke liye aakul karanevaali ichchha maaang ek manovratti jo kisi aisi vastu ki praapti ki or dhyaan le jaati hai jisase kisi prakaar ke sukh ki snbhaavana hoti hai lene ya paane ki ichchha prakat karana
ExamplesUsage of Desire in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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