Desperate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Desperate
As noun : अनधिगत मनोरथ Ex:  They prey on the hopes of the desperate
आविद्ध Ex:  Already familiar with the play, Kelly was desperate for the part. आशाहीन् Ex:  The desperate Red Army resistance, however, had greatly slowed the Wehrmacht. आसहर Ex:  Despite the desperate military situation क्रोधित Ex:  When Heraclius took power the Empire was in a desperate situation. उ:   वे अत्यन्त क्रोधित हो देवताओं पर प्रहार करने लगे। खतरनाक Ex:  The Axis allies initially advanced against desperate उ:   एक खतरनाक सफ़र के बाद वह लोग भारत पहुचते हैं। त्यक्तात्मा Ex:  Realizing his army's desperate shortage of gunpowder त्यक्तात्मा Ex:  Realizing his army's desperate shortage of gunpowder नाउम्मेद Ex:  Rich's most desperate venture. नाउम्मेद Ex:  Rich's most desperate venture. निभरोसी Ex:  Despite desperate fighting by American निभरोसी Ex:  Despite desperate fighting by American निराश Ex:  By extension, A desperate party, a desperate resolution, who are inspired by despair उ:   यात्रीगण उन्हें भी निराश नहीं करते। निराशाजनक Ex:  Cause desperate उ:   उनके लिये यह निराशाजनक सीरीज़ रही। निराशोन्मत्त Ex:  Make the part of the fire said, in a fire, when left burning that is desperate to save her, to better protect the parts that can be preserved प्रविषण्ण Ex:  Running, screaming like a desperate भिन्नहृदय Ex:  , Desperate times call for desperate measures भीमयु Ex:  , Desperate times call for desperate measures वैधुर्य Ex:  In terms of Hunting, Forcing an animal, take with the hunting dogs, having reduced run and desperate शंकी Ex:  se desperate fight in संदिग्घ सकंटक सप्रतिभय सोद्योग हतजीवित हताश उ:   हताश मन व्यक्ति को विजय से दूर ले जाता है।
As adjective : अतिभय‌ंकर Ex:  they prey on the hopes of the desperate अतिसाहसिक Ex:  there is a desperate shortage of hard cash उपायातीत Ex:  This desperate action finally freed Karl from the bonds of Beethoven. निराशान्य Ex:  It is also said to be in a desperate state, either Speaking of desperate Sick or by speaking with a thing whose loss, destruction, etc बडे जोखिम का Ex:  She knew that was attacking her husband, she immediately ran all desperate to rescue the बेडर Ex:  This thought is desperate बड़े जोखिम का Ex:  This woman is desperate to age मरने पर उतारु Ex:  , must be well abandoned by God and men to do such a thing, is said of a person which takes an unexpected, strange, desperate step, the consequences can be very harmful to it
Other : खतरनाक. Ex:  War was a desperate option". नाजुक Ex:  If sufficiently desperate as the siege progressed
Desperate ki paribhasha : kshatriy pita aur shoodra maata se utpann ek snkar jaati bali ka putr jo shaap ke kaaran gadha ho gaya tha jise dekhane se bhay lagata ho draavana na aarogy hone ke yogy
Desperate synonyms
daring dangerous bold violent determined frantic furious frenzied madcap wild rash precipitate atrocious audacious careless devil-may-care foolhardy hasty hazardous headlong headstrong heinous impetuous incautious monstrous risky scandalous shocking venturesome death-defying great urgent terrible fierce critical dire acute climacteric concentrated crucial drastic exquisite vehement vicious very grave forlorn vain futile despondent sad downcast despairing gone hard up inconsolable irremediable useless wretched goner back to the wall dead duck desponding in the soup in the toilet irrecoverable irretrievable no-chance no-way no-win running out of time sunk up against it up the creek at end of one's rope can't win
Desperate antonyms
cowardly meek timid peaceful confident content satisfied contented satisfactory afraid fearful shy weak quiet calm mild moderate secure unworried hopeful unimportant trivial good nice gentle cheerful joyful happy
Usage of Desperate in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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