Despot meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Despot
As noun : तानाशाह Ex:  The city flourished under despot Stefan Lazarević
निरंकुश Ex:  despot govern निर्दयी या अत्याचारी या प्रजापीडक राजा Ex:  of both genders who is clean the despot निर्दयी या अत्याचारी या प्रजापीड़क राजा Ex:  This child is a little despot मनमौजी राजा Ex:  This man, who looks so sweet in the world, is a despot in his family शक्तिशाली या क्रूर राजा Ex:  Way to govern the despot
Despot ki paribhasha : jisake liye koi ankush ya prati- bndh na ho aisa shaasak jo manamaane dhng se shaasan karata ho aur shaasiton ke hit ka dhyaan na rakhata ho
Despot synonyms
oppressor autocrat tyrant hitler monocrat slavedriver
Usage of Despot in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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