Destruction meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Destruction
As noun : अंगभग Ex:  unemployment was the destruction of all my desire.
अंतभवि Ex:  the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction अक्षयता Ex:  The tornado left a trail of destruction behind it. अधहपतन Ex:  The flood did a lot of destruction in the village. अप्पय Ex:  Pandemic diseases cause a heavy destruction of life as well as property. आर्ति Ex:  The cyclone wrought large scale destruction on the eastern coast. आस्कंद Ex:  The Anglo-Irish War and Irish Civil War contributed even more destruction इनहिदाम Ex:  After the destruction of the Golden Horde by Timur in 1441 उपमर्द Ex:  Ludendorff had ordered the destruction of the mines in France and Belgium. कालकर्मा Ex:  Following the destruction of Buddhism in mainland India during the 11th century कालधर्म Ex:  Dresden suffered heavy destruction in the Seven Years' War . क्षयसंपद् Ex:  Following the destruction of the Sicilian Expedition खपति Ex:  Before the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE खय Ex:  Besides the destruction of industries in the war छकार Ex:  At the time of the Mongol destruction तलपट Ex:  Due to the destruction of the bridges to the mainland and the telegraph lines उ:   तलपट के योग में गलतियां जांचे। तोड़ फोड़ Ex:  On the day following the destruction दहवाट Ex:  The destruction of famous Romanesque churches like St. धूरधानी Ex:  Exact figures of the destruction are not known धूलधानी Ex:  "d" standing for destruction ध्वंस Ex:  There the destruction was overseen by John P. Mohr नाश Ex:  Though the attack was notable for its large-scale destruction उ:   इसका नाश होनें से शरीर का भी नाश हो जाता है। निपैद Ex:  The destruction was also great in the Algarve पणास Ex:  The destruction of this city represents पत्थरपानी Ex:  The area of total destruction in Harrison County पामालो Ex:  The destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina raised other पायमाली Ex:  After the destruction of the escalier des ambassadeurs in 1752 प्रणाशन Ex:  The plan meant destruction for the Loyalists and loyal Native Americans प्रतिशम Ex:  Because of hunting and habitat destruction प्रतिसंक्रम Ex:  The destruction of Dresden प्रपतन Ex:  Tropical cyclones that cause extreme destruction are rare प्रमय Ex:  Air attack also played a part in the destruction of a third, the Chokai. प्रमापण Ex:  Significant habitat destruction प्रहाणि Ex:  Barrage, preparation, destruction प्रहीण Ex:  DEATH still means, figuratively, Ruin, destruction बिधंस Ex:  destruction भेदिका Ex:  He also said the political system is aimed at the destruction of all religious institutions, social, political भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  He said specifically ordered the destruction of beetles by administering मर्द्दन Ex:  means and end, destruction मुसमुंद Ex:  offsuit book, separate volume of the other volumes of the same book, the loss or destruction of these विणास Ex:  Set of microscopic living beings and developing at the expense of some organic materials they cause destruction Molecular विधंस Ex:  The destruction of a state, an empire, a family विनाश का कारण Ex:  The destruction of Temple विनाश Ex:  The destruction of works of art is a typical episode of revolutions उ:   इनके विश्लेषण या विनाश से 'मैं' अर्थात् चेतनता का भी नाश हो जाता है। विनाशहेतु Ex:  The historical monuments, those that are classified by the Administration of Fine Arts to preserve them from destruction and maintain them in good condition विपादन Ex:  The Jews were scattered after the destruction of the Temple विप्रणाश Ex:  These maxims tend to the destruction of morality विभंज Ex:  This opinion tends to the destruction of the church hierarchy वैशस Ex:  Work for the destruction of heresy, abuse व्यपनय Ex:  , put the ax to the tree, start a business, especially undertake the destruction of something व्यापद् Ex:  The destruction of the Jerusalem temple व्युच्छित्ति व्युदास शरीरपात संछिदा संप्रमोष सत्यानास समुच्छित्ति सर्वांत सल्ब साति सादनी हति हलाक हलाकत अंत उ:   इसी शताब्दी के अंत तक छोटी हाथ की तोपें बनीं।
Other : कदन Ex:  Iberville was responsible for the destruction of 36 settlements. क्षति Ex:  Due to the destruction of most of the ancient city during 1917 revolution and उ:   अग्निकांड, बाढ़ तथा भूकंप आदि से इस नगर को अपार क्षति उठानी पड़ती है। क्षय Ex:  The destruction of Athens' fleet at Aegospotami effectively ended the war उ:   प्रकृति में कार्बनिक पदार्थो के क्षय द्वारा यह बनता रहता है। गंजन Ex:  Due to the wholesale destruction of plants at the K–T boundary घाई Ex:  Habitat destruction threatens the survival of indigenous and endemic species घात Ex:  Jochi had attempted to protect Urgench from destruction छय Ex:  Taking a boat to inspect the destruction around Pudding Lane at close range तबाही Ex:  The material destruction has been computed at 13,500 houses उ:   ऊना जिले में तो स्वां नदी में बाढ़ आ जाने से भारी तबाही हो जाती है। तोड फोड Ex:  After the destruction of the first temple नाठ Ex:  The extensive destruction of the French railroad system prior to D-Day नाशकरण Ex:  Continued destruction of the reefs could severely damage the region's economy. नाशन Ex:  With the destruction wrought by the storm निर्दलन Ex:  During Sephiroth's destruction of Nibelheim भंग Ex:  destruction machinery उ:   उसने उनके तप को भंग करने की बड़ी कोशिश की, लेकिन उसे सफलता नहीं मिली। भंजन Ex:  Having the genius of evil, destruction उ:   लकड़ी को भंजन आसवन से प्राप्त करते है। भ्रंश Ex:  It is used today figuratively to mean a company, a work designed in a destruction plan उ:   भ्रंश कई प्रकार के होते हैं। विध्वंस Ex:  The destruction of Carthage शारीरिक या मानसिक नाश सत्यानाश
Destruction ki paribhasha : chhode hue baan ko phir vaapas lena vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi vastu ka ant ho
Usage of Destruction in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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