Detached meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Detached
As noun : अनासक्त Ex:  61.4% of people live in detached houses and 5.6% in semi-detached houses उ:   कर्तव्य कर्म करते समय निष्पृह भाव में चले जाना ही अनासक्त भाव है।
As verb :
अमीत Ex:  As the forces detached his lieutenants were generally unable to hold their own अलग थलग Ex:  It speaks of the Yoga of equanimity, a detached outlook. अलग Ex:  Fletcher detached Wasp उ:   हर देश में अलग अलग आवेदन पत्र देना कठिन कार्य है। अलगार Ex:  1932, and 1938. Wills was reported to be an introverted and detached woman. असंश्लिष्ट Ex:  A detached retina इकौसे Ex:  Amourettes, plural, says the marrow that is in the spine veal or lamb when it is cooked and can be detached from the bones उद्धुत Ex:  Descent from the Cross, Table, engraving of Jesus Christ is detached from the cross उलिंगण Ex:  Give to a horse iron that has taken away or who is detached ओलग Ex:  grass plate, lawn Piece detached from the ground to be applied elsewhere दरकिनार Ex:  In terms of architecture, it means a piece which projects, which is detached from the body of a building and which is not part of General Order निरानी Ex:  In terms of painting, there is no air in this table, The Figures are not sufficiently detached from the bottom and plans merge प्रविरल Ex:  In terms of the Navy, he War means a building, a detached squadron to go to the discovery प्रविविक्त Ex:  In terms of war, it is said of a Certain number of soldiers or Troop that has detached from a larger body to some service फरके Ex:  It also said veteran soldiers or activity, detached their body and gathered for a special service, under a special flag फरक्क ‡ Ex:  It also says a battle and above all a fight that takes place between the detached body बरतरफ Ex:  It also says that the buds grow the roots of certain plants, such as artichokes, and is detached to multiply these Plant बिभग Ex:  It said, among the ancient Greeks, the detached pieces of poems of Homer, sung by the bards बोहर Ex:  native gold piece bigger than a straw, detached from its matrix and rolled by waters मुख्तलिफ Ex:  Scalp, detached haired skull with skin मुबर्रा Ex:  Stone mine stone is detached from the mine, being beaten, washed and which one draws the metal विपृक् Ex:  Strong detached व्यपवृक्त Ex:  The outside of a place External fortifications, detached works instead of तटस्थ
As adjective : अलग_[हुआ Ex:  Simultaneously, a cruiser raiding force was detached to bombard the island. चिंता या बंधन इत्यादि से स्वतंत्र Ex:  Hard body and strong one uses in the construction of buildings, or that it has been detached from the mountains and rocks, or that it has been extracted from the earth to a depth छूटा हुआ Ex:  He said of the body parts that are detached completely and fall
Other : अरत Ex:  Greenland became effectively detached असंग Ex:  Bismarck was not entirely detached from German domestic affairs उ:   इस दर्शन का विकास असंग एवं वसुबन्धु ने किया। असंलग्न Ex:  Eddie Kendricks became detached from the group. असम्बद्ध Ex:  Also called Main building a housing detached from the mass of the main building उचटना Ex:  By analogy, he said, in a small detached cottage, lonely उदासीन Ex:  Cluster of detached hairs of the skin some animals haired, such as oxen, cows, horses, etc उपरत Ex:  Division of Agriculture that one earth layer to a certain depth, without detaching from the plant, so that it take root, and is then weaned, that is to say when it is detached from the roots निरभिलाष Ex:  In terms of Metallurgy, Mine in kidneys, one that is in detached masses, not by layers or veins followed by निर्लिप्त Ex:  In terms of Printing & Bookstore, he said one or more sheets of feeling detached from a whole sheet विरत Ex:  Structures half-bump, The reliefs which some parts are protruding and completely detached from the bottom विलग Ex:  suddenly detached from a body part that broke उ:   नेत्रस्वास्थ्य सामान्य स्वाथ्य से विलग नहीं है। विलग्न Ex:  Surgery operation that aims to a nose by animal transplant, using a piece of skin detached from the forehead, arms, etc
Detached ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka vah lakshan jo usake svaroop ko lekar nahin balki usake gun aur dharm aadi ko lekar bata- laaya jaay
Detached synonyms
removed isolated separate divided loose free alone apart discrete unaccompanied unconnected severed disjoined loosened emancipated indifferent remote impartial abstract impersonal dispassionate unbiased distant laid-back casual reserved withdrawn cool apathetic objective staid stolid uncommitted unconcerned unprejudiced incurious spaced-out uninvolved out of it poker-faced spacey uncurious unpassioned
Detached antonyms
combined connected linked united biased compassionate interested attached coupled merged engaged sympathetic nearby friendly subjective extroverted sociable feeling involved close warm partial prejudiced outgoing
Usage of Detached in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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