Detachment meaning in hindi
As noun : अलहदगी Ex: , the retirement stage, is gradual detachment from the material world.
असमाहार Ex: Grawert initially led the Prussian detachment but was replaced by Yorck. गुल्म Ex: De Wet overran an isolated British detachment at Groenkop तटस्थता Ex: A detachment of thousand horses उ: तटस्थता का अर्थ था चुप बैठ जाना। ताटस्थ Ex: A detachment of Uhlans निर्लिप्त Ex: be in perfect detachment things of the world निर्लिप्तता Ex: Form a detachment पृथकता Ex: In terms of theology, he said detachment from all that has no relation to God पृथक्करण Ex: It also said the same detachment that makes the patrol उ: इस पृथक्करण का आधार कणों का परिमाण एवं उनका घनत्व रहता है। बिरति Ex: It also says a March surveillance, an exploration made by a detachment of soldiers, police officers or to prevent surprises from the enemy or to prevent disorders and arrest criminals वइराग Ex: Order detachment विलगन Ex: Send a detachment of infantry, cavalry and discover वैरागा Ex: This detachment was composed of different weapons वैराग्य Ex: to be in a complete detachment from any species of interest उ: कथारम्भ गौतम के वैराग्य चिंतन से होता है। समुत्पाट सेना का एक भाग स्वतंत्रता उ: अनेक सांमतों ने स्वतंत्रता की घोषणा कर दी। स्वमनीषिका
Other : अरति Ex: He left a detachment of 11,000 troops to garrison the newly conquered region. अलगाव Ex: With a small detachment still positioned in Gaul उ: गायक ने बाद में “तलाक” या अलगाव के इस अफवाह को खारिज कर दिया। इकाई Ex: A detachment was sent out to seize supplies उ: इकाई के हाथों न होकर समूह द्वारा बनाये होती है। टुकड़ी Ex: By examination of the interior thought system and emotions with detachment उ: यह टुकड़ी आठ से दस तोपों के साथ लैस थी। टुकडी़ Ex: A detachment of grenadiers बिलगाव Ex: Living in a world of complete detachment of things विरति Ex: Regiment, battalion, infantry detachment विराग Ex: Retinal detachment विलग्न Ex: The detachment approached the woods, was welcomed with gunfire विलग्नता Ex: The detachment of men were mostly paid in the first battalion सैन्यदल
Detachment ki paribhasha : do premiyon ka ek doosare se alag hona kaartik ke snaan ka mela kaat ya chhedakar alag karane ki kriya kisi vastu se na vishesh prem hona na dbesh aisa paudha jo ek jad se kai hokar nikale aur jisamen kadi lakadi ya dnthal na ho man ki vah vratti jisake anusaar snsaar ki vishayavaasana tuchchh pratit hoti hai aur log snsaar ki jhnjhaten chhodkar ekaant men rahate aur ishvar ka bhajan karate hain
ExamplesDetachment synonyms
disengagement division divorcement disunion dissolution partition separation rupture severing disjoining split-up neutrality objectivity indifference remoteness reverie coolness impartiality coldness disinterestedness nonpartisanship unconcern preoccupation brown study incuriosity woolgathering dreaminess task force squad patrol body army detail troupe party organization unit special force Detachment antonyms
unification unity juncture linkage merger compassion agreement connection attachment combination bias interest kindness sympathy whole Usage of Detachment in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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