Deterioration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Deterioration
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  Flights have been cancelled due to deterioration in weather condition.
अधहपात Ex:  The northern suburbs benefited greatly from the deterioration of the CBD अवनति Ex:  It also results in a deterioration of the trade balance . उ:   सामान्य रूप से इस मंदिर की शिल्प- कला अवनति का संकेत करती है। कमी Ex:  It was in the wing, said of a man to whom it occurred a serious deterioration in health or some disgrace उ:   यहां कला-प्रेमियों की कमी भी नहीं है। कृशत्व Ex:  There is great damage in the land, everything is in a strange deterioration खिफ्फत तखफोफ तनज्जुल तनज्जुली परिहाणि प्रहाणि बिगाड़ विकृति उ:   वह कोई ऐसी विकृति नहीं है जिसे हेय माना जाए। व्रीड़न
Other : अधःपतन Ex:  The deterioration in law and order in this area has been flowering since the new corporater has been installed. अधोगति Ex:  Economic deterioration continued into the mid 1980s अवगति Ex:  These efforts resulted in a deterioration of relations with Russia अवनत Ex:  China has suffered from severe environmental deterioration and pollution. अवह्रास Ex:  Damage, deterioration brought about by an accident or violent cause खराब होना Ex:  These events have caused a significant deterioration in morals, in the uses of the nation छीज बिगड़ना ह्रास उ:   इन्हीं के कारण अस्थाई रूप से बुद्धि का ह्रास भी हो सकता है।
Deterioration ki paribhasha : udta hua ya udnevaala niti shaastr ke anusaar raaja ke RRishi, basti, durga, setu, hastibndhana, khaana, karagrahan aur sena ke samooh ashtavarg ka hraas ya naash pahale se chhota ya kam ho jaane ki kriya ya bhaav avanati vah roop jo vikaar ke uparaant praapt ho
Usage of Deterioration in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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