Determinant meaning in hindi
As noun : अवधारक Ex: Education is an important determinant of ones outlook on life.
नियुक्त करनेवाला Ex: These structures are a part of what makes leaves determinant निर्धारक Ex: The determinant of a square matrix A is the product of its n eigenvalues उ: सर्वोच्च नीति- निर्धारक अंग है। निश्चय साधन निश्चित गुणक निश्चेय सारणिक
Determinant ki paribhasha : kisi ek vishay par apane ko kendrit karanevaala ghoom ghoomakar bechanevaala vyaapaari
ExamplesDeterminant synonyms
motivation matter explanation element principle purpose producer creator spring instigation end author agency stimulation doer genesis inducement foundation object incitement consideration beginning antecedent account basis aim leaven maker prime mover causation mainspring unambiguous precise undeniable convincing indisputable compelling unmistakable decisive irrefutable irrevocable absolute clear cogent deciding demonstrative flat out incontrovertible litmus test telling ultimate unconditional unquestionable all out clinching irrefragable irrefrangible resolving revealing settling straight out unanswerable unarguable what you see is what you get groundwork argument evidence wherefore infrastructure pretext demonstration information underpinning footing call bedrock factor justification dope substratum excuse base rationale seat why goods trial testimony proof chapter and verse numbers straight stuff whyfor stimulus impetus encouragement enticement bait provocation influence insistence whip temptation come-on goad exhortation persuasion stimulant urge impulse spur inspiration allurement drive catalyst carrot reason why emotion idea intention passion feeling thinking design incident circumstance right necessity obligation warrant prompting provenance connection ancestry ancestor embryo agent seed wellspring parentage generator germ fountain progenitor nucleus inception derivation egg causality horse's mouth goal target ulterior motive why and wherefore authority expert dawning rising informant birthplace father onset start fountainhead originator specialist opening origination rise authorship mother maternity commencement begetter paternity starting point final certain crucial decided definitive determined determining settled Determinant antonyms
result thoughtlessness outcome product effect discouragement conclusion finish neglect consequence development fruit issue outgrowth ambiguous questionable disputable indefinite uncertain unsure inconclusive doubtful dubious refutable hindrance annex prevention deterrent dislike block turn-off ending destiny goal close completion death finale termination stop Usage of Determinant in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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