Determine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Determine
As verb : अवधारित करना Ex:  argument could not determine its truth or falsity
ठानना Ex:  , one not summoned by the king, was required to determine the succession. डिढाना Ex:  Only Mussolini could determine the body's agenda. तय करना Ex:  He attempted to determine the fates of his daughters' friends निरताना Ex:  Virginia law allows parishioners to determine their church's affiliation. निरथाना Ex:  Weight is much more difficult to determine than length in sauropods निर्णय लेना Ex:  Finite things don't determine themselves निर्धरण करना Ex:  Niqqud is the system of dots the help determine vowels and consonants. निर्धार, निर्धारण Ex:  To determine the risk of potential hepatotoxicity निर्धारण करना या निश्चय करना Ex:  As in modern German, prepositions used to determine case in Swedish निर्धारण करना Ex:  Roleplaying games generally use dice to determine the outcome of events निर्धारित करना Ex:  Thallium may also be used to determine viability of tissue निश्चित करना Ex:  Astronomers can determine the mass पर्यवसान करना Ex:  How can one determine if an agent is intelligent? फैसला करना निश्चय करना Ex:  The government is to determine how land holdings will be regrouped विशेषना Ex:  The variables which determine climate are numerous and the interactions complex संकल्प करना Ex:  The critics who believe that costs of production determine price सीमा बध्द करना Ex:  To determine whether a rule should be followed
Other : नियत करना Ex:  It is difficult to determine which programming languages are most widely used निर्णय करना Ex:  Since the outermost electrons determine chemical properties निश्चय करना Ex:  Multi-agent planning tries to determine the best plan for a community of agents समाप्त करना Ex:  Presently available data does not allow us to determine which model is correct. सीमाबद्ध करना Ex:  The presiding officer may determine which members to recognize स्थिर करना Ex:  How the country answered this question would determine the 1864 election.
Determine ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ko tatparata ke saath aarnbh karana
Determine synonyms
resolve complete rule opt cinch clinch end incline figure actuate move dispose drive induce ordain impel finish settle predispose terminate tap arbitrate persuade halt nail down ultimate wind up wrap up call the shots fix upon pin down take a decision detect verify learn tell see ascertain demonstrate work out establish check unearth tumble certify hear divine add up to make out figure out boil down to catch on have a hunch size up elect doom fate predestine preordain predetermine purpose foreordain finger preform make up mind control impose influence shape limit measure affect plot delimit lead devise manage modify direct bound command invent circumscribe condition mark off
Determine antonyms
commence create dissuade repress hinder prevent suppress doubt hesitate waver begin start bear stop discourage initiate miss overlook disprove invalidate confuse ignore destroy unsettle let go neglect follow mismanage
Usage of Determine in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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