Detrimental meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Detrimental
As adjective : अक्र Ex:  Smoking cigarette and chewing tobacco is detrimental to health.
अप्रियकर Ex:  It is controversial whether the recent advances in technology are beneficial or detrimental to humanity. अहितकर Ex:  Not all inherited variants of haemoglobin are detrimental अहितकारी Ex:  Even species as small as mice can be detrimental कषि Ex:  Apart from concerns regarding the detrimental effects of cooling in the Arctic क्षतिकारक Ex:  A sentence detrimental to the authority of दंशेर Ex:  He also said, figuratively, of Which is very detrimental to a state, to a family, to a particular दोषकृत् Ex:  This is detrimental to his reputation, his honor, his conscience, his health नुकसानदेह Ex:  This is detrimental to your business उ:   ये भी नुकसानदेह होते हैं। शरारु Ex:  , He messed said of a man who did some action detrimental to its reputation शर्वरीक Ex:  Mesure detrimental to the सबाध हानिकारक उ:   इनका विशेष हानिकारक प्रभाव हृदय पर पड़ता है।
Other : हानि उ:   इन दोषों से समाज की बड़ी हानि होती है। हानिकर हानिकारक.
Detrimental ki paribhasha : svaasthy men truti ya baadha pahuanchaanevaala
Detrimental synonyms
inimical adverse hurtful negative pernicious harmful prejudicial unfavorable disturbing destructive injurious bad baleful deleterious evil ill mischievous nocuous
Detrimental antonyms
friendly kind helpful assisting advantageous beneficial profitable aiding favorable nice good positive
Usage of Detrimental in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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