Devastated meaning in hindi
As noun : उजड़ा हुआ Ex: Cyclone has devastated many places of Orissa.
उजड़ा Ex: Recent cyclone in Orissa devastated many crops उ: यह नगर तीन बार उजड़ा और बसा।
Other : उजाड़ Ex: An earthquake in Taiwan devastated many people. मलियामेट Ex: Although friends later said he was devastated विनष्ट Ex: The Plague of Athens devastated the city of Athens in 430 BC उ: उत्तल दाह में त्वचा प्रभावित तो होती है, किंतु विनष्ट नहीं होती। शिकस्ता Ex: Europe was devastated in the mid-14th century by the Black Death उ: इसी युग में नस्तलीक लिपि के एक रूप शिकस्ता का जन्म हुआ।
ExamplesDevastated synonyms
ruin raze ravage wreck smash desolate raid level pillage trash sack despoil plunder devour total waste desecrate stamp out depredate spoliate do one in lay waste take apart wipe off map Devastated antonyms
construct create improve guard protect enrich build help save Usage of Devastated in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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