Develop meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Develop
As noun : दिखरादेना Ex:  McClintock continued to develop her ideas on controlling elements.
दिखलाना Ex:  By the mid-1930's, Silly Symphonies cartoons began to develop stronger plots उ:   संस्तरों का क्रमबद्ध संबंध दिखलाना अति कठिन समस्या है। प्रादुष्करण Ex:  Yamauchi ordered Yokoi to develop it as a product for the Christmas rush. वेखलाना Ex:  Russell struggled to develop his skills as a basketball player. बढना
As verb : अंकूलना Ex:  They can help develop our powers of critical evalution. अभासना Ex:  The government has recently spent two lakhs rupees as pump priming to develop leather industry. आयोजित करना Ex:  As people grow in age they develop double chin. आरंभना Ex:  Silver paper is very essential to develop photographs. उज्जना Ex:  I adviced her to develop prefessionalism as one of her traits. उज्जृंभ Ex:  Could you develop the ideas in your thesis उपकिरण Ex:  This company went on to develop the PlayStation 2 game TimeSplitters क्षाल Ex:  When Yoshiki Okamoto worked to develop Zelda titles for the Game Boy Color खँदना Ex:  Small units must needs develop into bigger wholes खटारना Ex:  Cats can also develop pica. खिड़ना Ex:  Some manufacturing did develop खोदना Ex:  The result is that the child may develop congenital heart disease चित्र उभारना Ex:  Military heraldry continues to develop चियारना Ex:  Lee decided to develop a system with an emphasis on "practicality चौडा़ना Ex:  After being injured in stunts, he helped develop paved racetracks and roadways. छालना Ex:  Fisher conceived and helped develop the Lincoln Highway छुरण Ex:  About 20%–50% of affected women develop type 2 diabetes later in life. ठवनापु Ex:  Symptoms may develop quite rapidly in type 1 diabetes डिवेलप करना Ex:  If teeth do not start to develop at or near these times डीठनापु Ex:  The larvae grow and molt multiple times as they develop डेवलप करना Ex:  But he continued to develop his style तुमकना Ex:  Larger vertebrates develop a complex त्रीघटना Ex:  Tirana began to develop in the beginning of the 16th century थरपना Ex:  Tirana is currently trying to develop a tourist industry दिखाई देना Ex:  Tornadoes often develop from a class of thunderstorms known as supercells. धीरे धीरे प्रकट करना Ex:  Group rewriting sessions develop final scripts by adding or removing jokes धुजाना Ex:  While his mother hoped that her son would develop an interest in music धोना Ex:  If untreated, eventually most HIV-infected individuals develop AIDS and die उ:   तीसरी बार के युद्ध में भी उसे कुछ और भूभाग से हाथ धोना पड़ा। धौँना Ex:  A backlash against grunge began to develop in Seattle निखूटनापु Ex:  This lead Hahnemann to develop the medical Law of Similars निरथाना Ex:  This is partly because Hegel tried to develop a new form of thinking and logic पछालना Ex:  Additionally, Jammeh said, "I will develop the areas that vote for me पषालना Ex:  The EU is involved with six other countries to develop ITER पिस्तरना Ex:  Evidence of liver toxicity may develop in one to four days प्रकटना Ex:  The primary response by Antarctic Treaty Parties has been to develop प्रचारान Ex:  It took many years for the Red River Colony to develop under HBC rule. प्रछारना Ex:  Pan-Am and Pratt & Whitney agreed to develop a new engine प्रछालना Ex:  Hurricanes develop in the southern part of the North Atlantic Ocean. प्रणेजन Ex:  Uncharacteristically, Apple did not develop iPod's software entirely in-house. प्रतिष्ठापना Ex:  They are likely to co-fund and develop the Crew Exploration Vehicle counterpart प्रातिधान Ex:  This was also the time when chess started to develop a corpus of theory. फरालन ‡ Ex:  The government is also trying to develop tourism, especially ecotourism. फिल्म धोना Ex:  Having been late to develop an urban core of any substantial size फींचना ‡ Ex:  The tropical storms can develop into Atlantic hurricanes फैलाना Ex:  Educational psychology is concerned with how students learn and develop बिटालना Ex:  Zappa also continued to develop the business sides of his career. बिस्तरना Ex:  Bell began experiments to develop motor-powered heavier-than-air aircraft. बिहसाना Ex:  Lusaka as well as Zambia as a whole will develop considerably. मर्जू Ex:  Ebola is unlikely to develop into a pandemic मलुकाना Ex:  He noticed it taught the soldiers to develop independence मुखप्रक्षालना Ex:  Fewer than 50 percent of patients will develop any hemorrhaging. लौँकना Ex:  Post-Roman Europe continued to develop jewellery making skills विकसित करना Ex:  He continued to develop his moral philosophy विकसित होना Ex:  Other treatments can be started if symptoms develop विकसितना Ex:  Further, the College is planned to develop as a government research centre. विकास करना Ex:  Meningitis may develop in response to a number of causes विकास पाना Ex:  Juniors develop their play through a range of tournaments on all surfaces विकीरन Ex:  In themes the ten eclogues develop and vary epic song विखनन Ex:  The story as it would later develop through the works of Boccaccio विगसना Ex:  It remains to be seen how Shanower will further develop the story. विप्रसारण Ex:  It was this need that pushed GM researchers to develop the current Hybrid line विवार Ex:  Helsinki continued to develop steadily. शुरू करना Ex:  Armstrong was now free to develop his personal style as he wished शोब Ex:  This was partly to develop the region संप्रसारण Ex:  Garvey sought to develop Liberia. संवृत्ति Ex:  Guinea has the potential to develop सकुचना Ex:  Stroke symptoms typically develop rapidly . सज्जकर्म Ex:  There, he could be free of Los Alamos control to develop the hydrogen bomb. सन्यासन Ex:  If this area is strong enough, it can develop into an eye. समासादन Ex:  The V-2's design team helped develop U.S. rockets following World War II समुत्पत्ति Ex:  The area around the eastern terminus to the line began to develop first. समुन्मीलन Ex:  Eventually, it could develop into the full-fledged language of a population. सीमेक्षण करना Ex:  It began to develop around 1000 A.D. सेँधना Ex:  Though many older people develop some plaques and tangles स्थापित करना Ex:  This leads cultures to develop in different ways होना Ex:  Human females continue to develop physically until around the age of 18 उ:   उन्हें प्रांतीय विधायिका का सदस्य होना चाहिए।
Other : बढाना Ex:  The science of chemistry began to develop with the work of Robert Boyle विकसित हो जाना Ex:  Buddhist art continued to develop in India for a few more centuries. विस्तार करना Ex:  It began to develop as a literary language by the 13th century. व्यक्त करना Ex:  Airships would develop considerably over the next two decades: In 1863, Dr.
Develop ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ke mile ya jude hue bhaagon ko ek doosare se is prakaar alag karana ki usake andar ya usake paar takaanaa, jaanaa, tatolanaa, dekhana aadi ho sake doosare ko dekhane men pravratt karana pradhaan sattaarthak kriya kisi sthaan ko gahara karane ke liy vahaaan ki mitti aadi ukhaadkar phekana photograaphi men plet ko masaalo mile hue jal se dhona jisamen ankit chitr ka aakaar spasht ho jaay lagaataar sthaan ghiravaana bij ko jamane ke liye jute khet ya bhurabhuri ki hui jamin men chhitaraana
Develop synonyms
evolve advance flourish progress promote establish grow age ripen foster maturate mature mellow thrive enroot grow up perfect strengthen broaden exploit spread refine build up deepen intensify realize improve extend materialize finish widen magnify augment dilate stretch enrich elaborate enlarge lengthen beautify actualize polish heighten amplify form invest acquire start generate betide breed transpire originate befall contract ensue break chance result arise go follow happen commence break out come about come off pick up produce disclose exhibit disentangle reach unroll unfurl unwind foretell unravel recount explicate uncover state explain account for uncoil untwist
Develop antonyms
decrease retreat retrogress lessen repress circumscribe compress confine narrow cease discontinue halt stop stunt decline end destroy ruin weaken damage ignore abridge condense curtail cut shorten hurt neglect contract lower shrink keep maintain diminish reduce spoil precede cause finish disagree stay conceal hide wind tangle complicate mystify obscure fail lose cover twist confuse
Usage of Develop in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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