Developed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Developed
As adjective : उत्पुट Ex:  India has developed two unmanned aircrafts indigenously.
उत्फुल्ल Ex:  A residential colony for colliers is being developed . उदीरित Ex:  Salman khan, the popular actor has well developed physique. उन्मिषित Ex:  Chetan has well developed muscles in his arms. प्रफुल्त Ex:  India has developed indegenously an air-to-air missile. प्रस्फुटित Ex:  Beginning with the first farm-related industries developed in the 1870s उ:   वक्ता के मुख से प्रस्फुटित ध्वनि वायु के माध्यम से इसपर पड़ती है। फलाफूला Ex:  Page developed the short-line Deepwater Railway बिकच Ex:  Electromechanical devices and principles developed by Nikola Tesla: In 1886 बिकुसा Ex:  Tesla had developed the "Art of Telautomatics" विकसित Ex:  Novo Nordisk has also developed a genetically engineered insulin independently. उ:   यह एक विकसित राज्य है। विजृंभित Ex:  The three stages of the Saturn V were developed by various NASA contractors विस्फुट Ex:  The C-1 was developed into the Saturn I विस्फुरित Ex:  The Czech Republic possesses a developed वेदल Ex:  50 BMG is a cartridge developed for the Browning . शिगुफ्ता Ex:  XML was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium सविकाश, सविकास Ex:  Tourism in the region has been developed since the 1960s. स्मेर Ex:  Fisher developed and built Key Largo's Caribbean Club
Other : उन्नत Ex:  East Germany possessed a well-developed communications system. उ:   इसमें प्रदर्शन के लिये उन्नत व्यवस्था है। उन्नतिशील Ex:  This film has not been developed properly. उ:   अब यह एक बहुत ही संपन्न और उन्नतिशील शहर बन चुका है। परिवर्धित Ex:  The USA is a developed country. उ:   उसका परिवर्धित संस्करण १६११ ई० में प्रकाशित हुआ। विकासित Ex:  Brazilians have developed Capoeira, Vale tudo, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. समुन्नत Ex:  Similar systems developed by Blüthner उ:   मानव जीवन को समुन्नत करने में रसायन विज्ञान का अक्षुण्ण योगदान है।
Developed synonyms
matured advanced refined
Usage of Developed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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