Developing meaning in hindi
As noun : बढ़ता Ex:  India is a developing country. उ: प्रकाशन व्यवसाय बढ़ता गया।
विकासशील Ex:  The university is also developing the Bridging the Rift Center उ: बहादुरगढ एनसीआर का एक विकासशील शहर है।
As verb : विकासी Ex:  W. Bertelsen also worked on developing early ACVs in the USA. Dr.
Other : उत्कर्षक Ex:  On his holidays, he prefers working on developing the flower beds in his garden. वर्धन Ex:  In developing countries उ: पहली विधि से ही शैवाल, कवक और बीजाणुओं आदि का जनन एवं वर्धन होता है।
ExamplesDeveloping synonyms
evolve advance flourish progress promote establish grow age ripen foster maturate mature mellow thrive enroot grow up perfect strengthen broaden exploit spread refine build up deepen intensify realize improve extend materialize finish widen magnify augment dilate stretch enrich elaborate enlarge lengthen beautify actualize polish heighten amplify form invest acquire start generate betide breed transpire originate befall contract ensue break chance result arise go follow happen commence break out come about come off pick up produce disclose exhibit disentangle reach unroll unfurl unwind foretell unravel recount explicate uncover state explain account for uncoil untwist Developing antonyms
decrease retreat retrogress lessen repress circumscribe compress confine narrow cease discontinue halt stop stunt decline end destroy ruin weaken damage ignore abridge condense curtail cut shorten hurt neglect contract lower shrink keep maintain diminish reduce spoil precede cause finish disagree stay conceal hide wind tangle complicate mystify obscure fail lose cover twist confuse Usage of Developing in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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