Devil may care meaning in hindi
Devil may care synonyms
careless cavalier free and easy harum-scarum heedless inattentive lackadaisical negligent nonchalant unconcerned daring dangerous bold violent determined frantic furious frenzied madcap wild precipitate atrocious audacious hasty hazardous headlong headstrong heinous impetuous monstrous risky scandalous shocking venturesome death-defying serene self-possessed offhand carefree breezy even-tempered mild placid laid-back tranquil unhurried casual amenable calm collected complaisant composed flexible indolent indulgent informal insouciant lazy lenient liberal moderate patient tolerant uncritical uninhibited hang-loose low-pressure outgiving poised undemanding debauched light depraved libertine gadabout dissipated bawdy profligate dissolute extravagant flirtatious frivolous giddy incontinent indecent intemperate lascivious lecherous lewd libidinous licentious lustful salacious self-indulgent sporty unchaste self-gratifying adventurous imprudent breakneck daredevil harebrained temerarious adventuresome off deep end out on limb wide open keen sparkling alert forward jolly glad animate animated blithe brash cheerful cheery chipper confident convivial festive frolicsome gleeful hilarious jocund jovial joyful joyous lighthearted lively merry mirthful playful presuming pushy self-assertive spirited sprightly sunny vivacious zippy blithesome bouncy chirpy fun-loving gamesome pleasure-seeking aimless random disorganized helter-skelter desultory arbitrary slapdash indiscriminate uncoordinated erratic accidental any which way chance disorderly fluke hit-or-miss incidental irregular purposeless slipshod spontaneous sudden unconscious unexpected unorganized unpremeditated unthinking willy-nilly unsystematic all over the map any old way designless unmethodical content cool feckless improvident untroubled carefree and untroubled free-minded living the life of riley without care naughty devilish elfin fiendish flippant fresh pert puckish saucy waggish elvish pixieish prankish rascally abrupt instinctive passionate ad-lib automatic emotional extemporaneous flaky intuitive involuntary quick swift unpredictable up-and-down gone off deep end hot-and-cold jumping the gun unmeditated unprompted winging it hotheaded ill-advised inconsiderate indiscreet injudicious neglectful regardless thoughtless unguarded unmindful wary caught napping fast-and-loose foot-in-mouth ill-judged off guard pay no mind playing with fire unalert unvigilant unwatchful sticking one's neck out capricious immature immoral fickle flighty fly-by-night scatterbrained shiftless unaccountable undependable unreliable unstable untrustworthy no-account unanswerable uncareful buoyant perky airy cocky dapper dashing debonair exhilarated frisky high-spirited impudent jocose joking natty nervy provocative self-confident showy smart spruce trim swaggering sloppy indifferent soft vague broad delinquent derelict flaccid forgetful general inaccurate indefinite inexact oblivious shapeless yielding behindhand disregardful any way asleep on job imprecise nonspecific overindulgent paying no mind disreputable bohemian coarse tasteless tawdry unconventional uncouth vulgar abandoned chic fashionable flashy prodigal sinful irrational fiery premature unwary insuppressible jumping to conclusions overhasty fast and loose hopeless mindless kooky overventuresome boisterous exuberant hearty romping cavorting rip-roaring generous mischievous reasonable roguish square coltish full of fun larkish sportspersonlike outrageous wasteful lavish spoiled variable volatile spendthrift changeable fanciful fitful immoderate inconstant profuse unfettered unreserved unrestrained whimsical fluctuating hot and cold thriftless up and down fair gentlemanly kittenish sportsmanlike sportsmanly square dealing square shooting straight shooting natural unceremonious gratuitous uncalled-for Devil may care antonyms
cowardly meek timid peaceful confident content satisfied contented satisfactory afraid fearful shy weak quiet calm mild moderate secure unworried hopeful agitated excited nervous deliberate planned demanding hurried intolerant upset troubled violent critical hyped strict virtuous moral careful chaste tardy unhurried impermanent movable unattached clean pure uncorrupt decent gentle nice good plodding slow flexible insecure unfixed upright cautious prudent discreet unadventurous responsible thoughtful discouraged dull sad unhappy depressed colorless lifeless plain uncolorful methodical specific systematic painstaking intentional organized definite particular designed straight thought-out disconsolate discontented dissatisfied distressed subdued behaved unmischievous sensible considering heedful wise premeditative accountable reliable trustworthy lethargic serious mindful rigid attentive caring concerned hard severe tight couth proper considerate reflective reasonable kind wary reserved lazy solemn unfair unsporting unplayful thrifty righteous observant economical delayed premeditated formal stiff difficult turbulent wild Usage of Devil may care in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi
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