Devour meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Devour
As verb : उछेदना Ex:  Hence it is that you murder and devour one another
कवलना Ex:  Drink an affront to swallow an affront, devour an affront, not to show the feelings that one experiences when receiving an affront खा जाना Ex:  Eating eyes devour a person, thing, watching the happy, throw on her looks eager गिलकना Ex:  Entomology Kind of insects at night in homes devour the food, leather, fabrics, etc चाव से देखना Ex:  If mutually devour चाव से पढ़ना Ex:  Pike devour them जल्दी जल्दी और सूक्ष्मता से पढ़ना Ex:  Some animals devour companies जेँवना तोड़फोड़ धाहना धुधराना नठनापु नष्ट करना निमग्न करना परिदलन पढ़ना या सुनना बर्बाद करना बिघटाना बिधंसना बिनशना बिमर्दना भँडा़ना भक्षण करना मसकाना मुरकाना मोड़ना तोड़ना मोसना लीकना विधंसना ‡ विर्मदन व्यापाद शौक से पढना शौक से पढ़ना हडप करना हड़प करना
Devour ki paribhasha : 2612 jaana kisi chij ko bina achchhi tarah kuchale hue jaldi jladi khaana
Devour synonyms
wipe out inhale exhaust feed on absorb ravage ingest gobble destroy go through eat enjoy annihilate imbibe appreciate dispatch spend gulp stuff wolf bolt cram guzzle gorge waste relish take delight in pig out polish off take in use up hoover be engrossed by be preoccupied bolt down chow down do compulsively do voraciously drink in feast on gloat over partake of rejoice in revel in scarf down wolf down
Devour antonyms
create dislike hate preserve abstain nibble build save hold keep receive open pick
Usage of Devour in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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