Dew meaning in hindi
As noun : अंन्तरिक्षजल Ex:  The dew moistened the meadows
आकाशसलिल Ex:  in the morning the grass was wet with dew ओस से भिगोना Ex:  The foliage dripped with the heavy morning dew . ओस Ex:  The highest dew point is 27 and the lowest -10, both on the Celsius scale. उ: ओस की बूंद राही मासूम रज़ा का तीसरा उपन्यास है। औस Ex:  A dew droplet खजल Ex:  dew dripping Herbs खबाष्प Ex:  evening dew The खवाष्प Ex:  Exposing dew or a watering तुषार Ex:  Hoarfrost, jelly which, in the morning, form dew or fog frozen निशाजल Ex:  In terms of anatomy, he told the function by which certain liquid spread in the form of dew on the surface of membranes or in body tissues नीहारजल Ex:  PEARLS, plural, still says the drops of a liquid, particularly dew drops hanging from the tip herbs रजनीजल Ex:  Shoot down the dew walking in a meadow रात्रिजल Ex:  The dew moistens the Earth शबनम Ex:  The morning dew उ: शबनम भी गलती से जय को विजय समझ लेती है। शबमनी Ex:  These children are dipped in power in the dew हिमांबु Ex:  Poétiquement, Tears of the morning, the dew
Other : नीहार जल Ex:  It shone dew on the grass, the flowers, the leaves
Dew ki paribhasha : hava men mili bhaap jo saradi se jamakar aur sookshm jalakan ke roop men hava se alag hokar girati aur padaarthon par jamati dikhalaayi deti hai hava men mili hui bhaap jo raat ki sardi se jamakar aur jalavindu ke roop men hava se alag hokar padaarthon par lag jaati hai ek prakaar ka saphed rng ka bahut hi baarik kapad
ExamplesDew synonyms
condensation water droplets Usage of Dew in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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