Dialogue meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dialogue
As noun : अन्यथाभाव Ex:  There is full voice-acting for all the dialogue
अन्ववेक्षा Ex:  At this point, the films became more dialogue intensive. अववोधक Ex:  The government rejected the proposed dialogue अवीक्षण Ex:  His dialogue films made in Hollywood were The Great Dictator इंदिया Ex:  His first dialogue picture उड़ियाँना Ex:  "The play relies on dialogue throughout उपसंभाष Ex:  The dialogue was made into a movie that contained strong कहवत्त Ex:  More than one dialogue contrasts knowledge and opinion कहवत्त Ex:  More than one dialogue contrasts knowledge and opinion गाल्ही Ex:  Socratic dialogue and self-dialogue गुफ्तोशनीद Ex:  Link has almost no spoken dialogue in the game series. चित्तविकार Ex:  As no Zelda game to date has contained substantial spoken dialogue जजबात Ex:  Pynchon's dialogue consists entirely of puns on his novel titles . तर्कणा Ex:  It generally comprises chiefly dialogue between characters दो या अधिक व्यक्तियों की बातचीत Ex:  He was the first that expanded the dialogue ध्या Ex:  According to Plato's fictionalized dialogue Phaedo ध्यात्व Ex:  !, the latter a line of dialogue in the second episode. प्रजल्पन Ex:  , the latter a line of dialogue in the second episode. प्रश्नोत्तर Ex:  He conducted extensive dialogue with Muslim and Hindu community leaders उ:   भारतीय संस्कृति में प्रश्नोत्तर परम्परा का महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रहा है। प्रास्तुत्य Ex:  Sorkin is known for writing memorable lines and fast-paced dialogue बतकहाव Ex:  A national dialogue was held from 15 September to 27 October 2003 बतकही Ex:  Pope Benedict is open to dialogue with other religious groups बतकही Ex:  Pope Benedict is open to dialogue with other religious groups बातचीत Ex:  Hill wrote most of the female characters' dialogue उ:   लिट्टे से बातचीत आरंभ की। बीचार Ex:  Following this dialogue बोलचाल Ex:  Almost all of the film's dialogue उ:   बोलचाल की लौकिक संस्कृत को उन्होंने भाषा कहा है। बोलाचाली Ex:  The film's opening dialogue भावगति Ex:  Most of the dialogue was straight from the play भावलिंग Ex:  The dialogue is sensitive and agile. रूढ़ि Ex:  The dialogue is sometimes in tercets and sometimes in ''redondillas'' लापनिका Ex:  Cicero mentions Archimedes briefly in his dialogue De re publica लापनिका Ex:  Cicero mentions Archimedes briefly in his dialogue De re publica वचार Ex:  Absolutely, it has to a rare degree the art of dialogue वाग्व्यापार Ex:  ancient poetry Poetry Style in dialogue on a topic वाग्व्यापार Ex:  ancient poetry Poetry Style in dialogue on a topic वादु Ex:  He was a theater play where dialogue is interspersed with couplets facts or vaudeville tunes borrowed from comic operas वारता Ex:  He was a theater play where dialogue is interspersed with couplets facts vaudeville tunes or borrowed from comic operas वार्तालाप Ex:  His play is all in dialogue , there is no action उ:   वार्तालाप का अर्थ होता है बात-चीत। वार्त्ता Ex:  Precepts, dialogue form instructions वार्त्तालाप Ex:  Quick and lively dialogue विचार Ex:  Speech exchanged between the interlocutors for dialogue उ:   उनके विचार साम्यवादी थे। संकथन Ex:  Taking the form of dialogue संकथा Ex:  The characters, the interlocutors for dialogue संगाव Ex:  The dialogue lacks truth संगाव Ex:  The dialogue lacks truth संप्रधान Ex:  The liveliness of the dialogue संप्रवदन Ex:  The same is said of characters in a dialogue संलापी सभाभाषण सभाभाषण समालोच समुदाहार समुदाहार सांकथ्य सांकथ्य सांभाष्य सुवार्ता स्वमनीषा स‌ंवाद
Other : कथोपकथन Ex:  It contains only 45 minutes of dialogue उ:   पात्रों का कथोपकथन आकर्षक है। संभाषण Ex:  They have had a long dialogue उ:   यह अंग्रेजी के निवेशी शब्दों को संभाषण में निरूपित कर सकता था। संलाप Ex:  This author does not treat enough dialogue संवाद उ:   उनके संवाद अत्यन्त आकर्षक हैं।
Dialogue ki paribhasha : vah kaavyaalnkaar jisamen prashn aur uttar rahate hain premapoorn vaartaalaap ya kathopakathan vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay do ya kai manushyon ke bich kathopakathan
Dialogue synonyms
conference exchange communication discussion conversation discourse confab repartee converse chat parley script powwow colloquy confabulation rap parlance flap small talk rap session dialog lines duologue remarks sides interlocution
Dialogue antonyms
quiet silence monologue soliloquy
Usage of Dialogue in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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