Dictatorial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dictatorial
As noun : अधिनायकीय Ex:  To that end, Mussolini obtained dictatorial powers for one year.
As adjective :
तानाशाह जैसा Ex:  Given Uganda's history of dictatorial regimes दबंग Ex:  dictatorial Authority उ:   दबंग लोग दोनों समुदायों में थे।
Other : डिक्टेटर Ex:  If there was to be a dictatorial coup
Dictatorial synonyms
overbearing haughty oppressive imperious totalitarian domineering arbitrary dogmatic autocratic arrogant absolute bossy clamorous despotic doctrinaire egotistic firm imperative peremptory pompous proud stern unlimited unrestricted crack-the-whip dictative iron-handed throwing weight around
Dictatorial antonyms
meek obedient servile democratic submissive docile passive humble yielding
Usage of Dictatorial in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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