Diet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Diet
As noun : अंधस Ex:  the importance of a well-balanced diet
अभ्यवहार Ex:  his followers slavishly believed in his new diet अल्प खुराक लेना Ex:  A diet supplemented with Vitamin tablet. अल्पाहार Ex:  nutritionally, her new diet is suicide उ:   एक दिन वे कौरनल के अल्पाहार गृह में बैठे थे। आशि Ex:  a diet high in protein आहार देना Ex:  He follows vegan diet wherever he goes आहार Ex:  Eleanor's trying another fad diet . उ:   आहार विषयपति के अधीन होता था। कसिपु Ex:  I didn't eat any cake because I'm on a diet . खाधु, खाधू Ex:  Cats normally are good self-regulators of diet खाफड़ Ex:  PKU-affected people were allowed to go off diet after approximately 8 गिजा Ex:  Lee's diet included protein drinks जग्ध Ex:  There has even been a fad diet जग्धि Ex:  The dragon's diet is wide-ranging जियारा Ex:  The albatross diet is predominantly cephalopods जेँवन Ex:  The diet of other species जेँवना Ex:  The church is also known for its emphasis on diet and health Ex:  She then wrote to Harper's Bazaar for a slimming diet दानाचारा Ex:  "He was existing almost totally on a diet of drugs. देहयात्रा Ex:  Influenced by a fad diet that was popular in the day नियताहार करना Ex:  He believed this diet would restore his health. नियताहार देना Ex:  Their diet is at least 50% grasses नियताहार Ex:  Others choose a healthier diet पथ्य लेना Ex:  Kakapo diet changes seasonally. प्रतिभोजन Ex:  Fish species comprise the most important part of the diet प्राणोपहार Ex:  The Way to Bliss recommends ways to prevent illness: a balanced diet प्राशु Ex:  Their diet is largely varied and depends on the food available. प्राश् Ex:  The Inca diet consisted primarily of potatoes and grains प्सान Ex:  The conquistadores eventually combined their imported diet of rice भखु Ex:  Adult frogs follow a carnivorous diet भछन Ex:  Since the band depended upon acorns for 60% of their diet भुज्यु Ex:  98% of their diet is made up of E. superba. भोइन्न Ex:  The Ukrainian diet includes chicken, pork, beef, fish and mushrooms. भोजन Ex:  Because fruits have been such a major part of the human diet उ:   वह भोजन पचाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  It continues to be a major part of the diet in Peru and Bolivia भोजू Ex:  Fresh fish also features strongly in the traditional local diet भोयन्न Ex:  Yankovic changed his diet to become a vegan in 1992 मिस्कीट Ex:  The species' diet consists mainly of insects and spiders मुखपिड Ex:  Since bread was such a central part of the medieval diet यताहार Ex:  They varied their diet by fishing. रयि Ex:  The increase in depression in industrialised societies has been linked to diet रसाय Ex:  The unpredictable diet of free-range hens will produce unpredictable eggs. राजाओं या राज्यों की सभा Ex:  A colorless diet can produce an almost colorless yolk. लघुभोजन Ex:  People on a low-cholesterol diet may need to reduce egg consumption वर्त Ex:  Its diet consists mainly of fish but it is an opportunistic feeder. वल्मन Ex:  The Bald Eagle's diet is opportunistic and varied वल्मन Ex:  The Bald Eagle's diet is opportunistic and varied विधान सभा ,प्रत्यायुक्तों का अधिवेशन Ex:  Poor diet can have an injurious impact on health विष्वाण Ex:  The modern Icelandic diet is very diverse विष्वाणन Ex:  A debilitating diet संघस Ex:  A diet of dates संतुलित आहार Ex:  A diet too little feeding समय पर भोजन करना Ex:  In terms of medicine, Preparing a patient, subject it to certain diet for surgery or treatment समाश Ex:  The diet is debilitating सूनृता Ex:  The doctor ordered a special diet
Other : खुराक Ex:  Furthermore, leaves are prominent in the human diet as leaf vegetables. उ:   मात्रा, खुराक और घूंट के अर्थ में रस शब्द प्रयुक्त हुआ है। डायट Ex:  The mountain peoples have a diet rich in beef, pork and other meats. पथ्य Ex:  The diet of the Arctic Tern varies depending on location and time उ:   पथ्य वीगन पशु उत्पादों का सेवन करने से परहेज़ रखते हैं। भक्ष्य Ex:  The diet of the procellariids is the most diverse of all the Procellariiformes
Diet ki paribhasha : chikitsa ke kaary athava rogi ke liye hitakar vastu, visheshataः aahaar
Diet synonyms
restriction regimen fast starvation dietary nutritional therapy weight-reduction plan fare nutriment provisions victuals menu bite nourishment aliment commons sustenance comestibles snack subsistence viands rations goodies edibles daily bread grubbery slim reduce fall off go without starve count calories eat sparingly lose weight skinny down slim down tighten belt watch weight
Diet antonyms
indulgence deprivation starvation gorge
Usage of Diet in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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