Differ meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Differ
As noun : एकमत न होना Ex:  My views differ from my fathers views.
As verb :
अन्तर होना Ex:  Our ideologies differ widely. असदृश होना Ex:  We differ widely in our views. भिन्न होना Ex:  Obedience did not significantly differ भिन्नमति होना Ex:  Estimates on how many guns were captured differ भेद होना Ex:  Such rules may differ between events. वैमत्य होना Ex:  Other letters may differ from English सम्मति न देना Ex:  They differ in their gravitational effects.
Other : असहमत होना Ex:  when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false? मतभेद होना Ex:  Deuterostomes differ from the other Bilateria
Differ synonyms
vary disagree diverge modify contradict alter contrast turn qualify diversify digress reverse conflict with be distinguished from be off the beaten path be unlike bear no resemblance clash with depart from deviate from divaricate from jar with lack resemblance not conform not look like run counter to show contrast sing a different tune stand apart take exception squabble divide dissent quarrel contend bicker discord disaccord object fight demur oppose debate war dispute lock horns bump heads discept go after each other go at it hit a clinker hit a sour note protest against take issue
Differ antonyms
remain coincide concur consent harmonize agree accept be same conform give in surrender go along make peace support
Usage of Differ in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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