Dilapidation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dilapidation
As noun : अवह्रास Ex:  Despite some dilapidation resulting from decades of war
जीर्णता Ex:  It also said that the dieback is one thing, the damage it has suffered by reason of dilapidation or some accident जीर्णावस्था उ:   रेलमार्ग सीमा के दोनों तरफ जीर्णावस्था में पहुँच चुकी है। तीव्रमनोह्स परिक्षयण शैलभंजन
Dilapidation synonyms
decrepitude disrepair disintegration destruction
Usage of Dilapidation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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