Diminished meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Diminished
As verb :
अपचित Ex:  The eruptions diminished rapidly after that point उ:   अपचित होकर प्राथमिक ऐमीन बनाते हैं। अवगनना Ex:  Nijinsky's magic as a dancer was much diminished by incipient madness. आह्नासित Ex:  The power of the nobles was diminished as a national army was created. कम Ex:  Today, Bath's once-important manufacturing sector is much diminished उ:   कम से कम आठ सर्ग होने चाहिए। करषेव Ex:  Poland's importance as a caravan route between Asia and Europe diminished काहीदा Ex:  This has however diminished in the last twenty years किरिसना Ex:  In either case, the probability of success is diminished significantly किरिसित Ex:  In 1965 the activity on the main island diminished कृश Ex:  The eruption rate diminished steadily though उ:   शरीर कृश होकर उसको अत्यधिक कमजोरी आ जाती है तथा ज्वरांश होने लगता है। कृस Ex:  The threat of invasion was diminished after the Umayyad defeat at Narbonne क्षीण अर्धस्वर Ex:  Comparisons have also diminished the reputation of his plays but two of them खाँगो Ex:  Continued wars and other problems eventually led to a diminished status. घटबढ़ Ex:  diminished छछीन Ex:  nothing is lost, do not lose a thing, do not be diminished in value, do not experience disadvantage छपटी Ex:  Second diminished छिलर Ex:  The diminished fifth and augmented fifth are dissonances छुच्छ Ex:  This greatly diminished its strength छेहडा Ex:  This land was leased thirty thousand francs, but has greatly diminished because of non-values छोहनार Ex:  , Not to live is said by exaggeration, a diminished life, troubled, beset by anxiety नालुक Ex:  Formerly called the diminished fifth straight abusively False निरुदर प्रशिथिल विदस्त सोदधित्व स्वल्पेच्छ हृस्व ह्नासित ह्रासित
Other : क्षीण Ex:  As the power of the pharaoh diminished उ:   वृद्ध लोगों में मूत्र पथ लक्षण निरंतर क्षीण हो जाते हैं। छीन Ex:  There are three kinds of sevenths the major seventh, and as a natural ut so natural; the minor seventh as natural C and B flat; and diminished seventh as natural ut and if double flat उ:   शत्रुओं ने उसका राज्य छीन लिया।
Diminished synonyms
decline lower slacken ebb wane dwindle lessen reduce recede temper decrease abate subside curtail shrink weaken cut abbreviate taper retrench attenuate contract drain close moderate shrivel extenuate depreciate peter out minify become smaller die out fade away minimize derogate cheapen devalue decry abuse demean pan bad-mouth put away put down run down tear down detract from cut down to size dispraise dump on give comeuppance knock off high horse poormouth
Diminished antonyms
increase grow enlarge prolong amplify lengthen compliment praise rise develop expand extend strengthen flatter enhance upgrade exalt laud approve commend
Usage of Diminished in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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