Dingy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dingy
As noun : काहल—
कुचैल कोकट गंदा घासलेटो चिचटक ध्याम प्रम्लान मलिच्छ ‡ मैलाकुचैला
Dingy ki paribhasha : ek prakaar ke saadhu jo maila kuchaila kapad pahanate hain daksh prajaapati ki ek kanya ka naam
Dingy synonyms
run-down shabby dilapidated drab dreary dirty grimy seedy broken-down colorless dark dim dull dusky faded gloomy muddy murky obscure somber threadbare tired bedimmed darkish discolored smirched sullied tarnished
Dingy antonyms
sterile spotless good nice bright clean pure immaculate neat
Usage of Dingy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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