Dirtiness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Dirtiness
As noun : कसाफत Ex:  His room is of great dirtiness
गंदगी Ex:  It is a disgusting man by his ugliness, its dirtiness गन्दापन गलीज दलिहर भँगारि मैल रिप्र लीबर, लीभर
Dirtiness synonyms
filth defilement unwholesomeness squalor impurity griminess contamination uncleanness foulness filthiness grubbiness pollution impureness uncleanliness coarseness indecency profaneness profanity vulgarity smuttiness lewdness bawdiness vulgarness salaciousness
Dirtiness antonyms
cleanliness sterility purification purity decency modesty
Usage of Dirtiness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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